A channeling for those seeking transcendence, transmogrification, immortality...
Read these words with the third eye in the realm of the gnostic trance. Experience these humble suggestions outside the perimeters of rationale and reason. Breathe in through the pores of the infinite-within so that you may hear with the ears of metamagickal possibility instead of only the humanform analyst whose primary function is to run interference between you and your rightful immortality.
This is the mindset you must find. This is the precipice of transcendence. Stop. Breathe it in. Find it within yourself before proceeding.
My beingness is that of particle and wave, matter and anti-matter - pixels of dreams which are projections of light reflecting on the canvas of the self-willed Dream. This is the essence of the immortal: the substance of the dream and the will of the dreamer, two who are one working in quantum tandem to infuse the mortal human with the immortal essence of the dream itself. This is how you turn yourself wrongsideout and rightsidewrong, so as to right the wrong that was cast upon you when you were cast into your mortal reflection and lost connection with your immortal self.
I am not speaking in metaphor. This is the heart and soul of it, you see. This is how it is done and how it must be done if you are to succeed. This is the intersection between the breath and the breather, the fulcrum of light and shadow, the binding connection between self and twin.
What you must wholly and utterly understand beyond these faltering words is that in order to claim your immortal essence you must release the energetic chains which bind you to your humanness. What does this look like? Simply put, those chains are comprised of beliefs and fears and ideas and expectations. You could call them The Program, yet I fear that term has become stale and may slip past you (which is how the program works) and so it is imperative to pause and examine all those little beliefs which hold you prisoner to The Program itself, yes? All things die. Water is wet. Fire will burn. Space is vast. Humans are finite. Life is short. If it’s my time, it’s my time. If man were meant to fly, he would have wings. There are some things we aren’t meant to know. God is great, god is good, let us thank him for our food. Amen.
The list is vast. And that list is made of grim pixels of a different kind of dream - the human limits, the self-imposed boundaries, the mortal experience. It is the death song, and if you were to listen to your internal dialog when it thinks it can’t be heard, you would hear it telling you all those things and more, reinforcing its own directive, which is simply to keep you locked within the cage of your human box which is ultimately a coffin the program has been building for you since long before you were ever born.
What to do?
The essence of transcendence is magick and the essence of magick is the movement of will, and the movement of will is accomplished by willfully transcending The Program which determines your human nature. This not a riddle but a formulae for immortality. It is the decisive key which unlocks the door to a spontaneous parthenogenesis also known as transmogrification. This is my function - to tear through the veil of your cocoon in order to free the gypsy moth before she becomes just another unborn chrysalis, yes?
If you are hearing only the words and not the essence of magick with which they have been infused, you may feel irritated or restless and find yourself wanting to run away, back to the pleasant slumber of your human dreaming. Perhaps you think I’ve said all of this before and so you are bored and feeling put-upon. If this is so, go no further but go back instead. Back to the breathing in of a frequency which is not already jammed by The Program itself. Often you will find it in the space between the brows, the pure and perfect place of silence where the internal dialogue has no access. Other times you may find it in your heart, in the nostalgic memory of some perfect moment when you simply knew the well-being of your infinite nature, when you dreamed of being newly awakened into a larger world. That is the frequency of the immortal animus - the sensation of breathing not just into the lungs but imbibing the lifeforce through every molecule of your corporeality, until the breath itself turns your corporeality upside down and so on, and you begin to be made of the very thing you are breathing: the essence of energy itself, wave of light, particle of darkness, each reflecting the other in perfect balance, the dance of the infinite captured in the act of breathing itself.
This is how we move in and out of the web of life so as not to be caught in the downward spiral which is death. There is a frequency unique to each individual which is the frequency of her immortality - the assemblage point of Self which may be strengthened and expanded through awareness & will to such an extreme that literally Death does not exist, for it is a frequency where death and dis-ease have no pixellated form, no cohesion, no avatar, no icon, and so no ability to invade or even touch that which is contrary to its own nature. If you are made of light, having acknowledged the darkness as your mirror, this is the essence of your beingness, and does not leave room for a toxic invader hiding behind the robes of the brute with the scythe.
Death, therefore, is defeated not by acceptance or denial, but by the removal of his existence on the frequency of your immortal transcendence. That which is comprised of immortality cannot be comprised of morality, and so Death falls away, an impotent toady, written out of the Dreamer’s script with the stroke of a joyful pen.
This is only the beginning, the tip of the iceberg’s dangerous tip, but it is here we must begin, for this is the highest level of awareness which must be embraced as the foundation of your transcendence. This is the secret to immortality - the turning of the frequency from finite to infinite, death to life. If you understand this, then it will be done. If you don’t, then we must pester it until you do. There is no margin for error here, no room for analogy or metaphor. This is the truth which underlies all immortality: the willful choice to become a penthouse resident of the energetic web instead of only renting a transient room in the ground floor for a brief interlude which humans call a life.
Here the wind is white,
the universe a sandstorm.
This, too, will soon pass.
And I will still be here, you see. This is the nature of I-Am. Transcendence. Here there are no limitations and fear is a demon locked in the dungeon forever. A long time. Forever. Do you want it? Do you want it enough? If you do, then take it with the full force of your being - grab it as you would grab a morsel of food when you are starving in the desert. Have no doubt. Do not hesitate. Define your reason. Demand it. Take it!
The only thing stopping you is the belief that you are mortal. When you change that frequency, when you release that debilitating belief, you will finally Be what you have always Dreamed.
Orlando - December 21, 2009
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