Orlando on Healing

Nov 24, 2007 12:28

Healing & Being Unknown

As I drove alone through Joshua Tree National Park yesterday, I received the following channeling from Orlando as a result of my questions to him with regard to the concept of healing, energy and "the diagnosis".

It is my belief, based on some previous observations, that the words themselves are not nearly as "potent" as the force behind them. It has been suggested that this communication may, therefore, serve as a catalyst for others, and so it is recommended that anyone seeking to gain the deeper value contained in the words actually spend some time focusing on the energetic force behind the words themselves.

In other words, you may get out of this what you bring to it.


"You're speaking the wrong language. In what language is that which is eternal written?"

It is not a language we yet understand, not something we can even wrap our minds around, and yet it is there. To think it is to create it, and to create it is to place it within the realm of all possibility. Then, as it exists, you possess within yourselves the ability to go and essentially harvest it, to bring it into the atuality of manifestation.

Before anything can be made reality, it must first be a thought. To think the body (if you want to call it that) has the ability to exist at the level which is impervious to dis-ease is to place that possibility on the shelf of all possibility. And yet, thought alone is not enough, and so then comes the responsibility of forcing that possibility to go thru the actions of actually occurring.

Paradigms are formed within the collective. What this means is that if one person believes something, it's an isolated and - most likely insignificant thought. But when you look at the world around you, you begin to see that much of what exists as the paradigm, the milieu, the venue is not based on your individual creation, but on the collective creation of all of humanity - stretched out of over millions of years. These paradigms are like grooves on a record, and what it amounts to is that you can get stuck in playing that same old groove, or you begin to create a new paradigm.

My sense of why you're compelled to do these things such as the forum, your website, all of it, is because you are creating a new paradigm, which has the potential to become a new collective. That may or may not help w/ the idea of dealing with dis-ease, but it puts forth, I think, a valid alternative to what might otherwise amount to a blind adherence to the existing paradigm.

Everything begins with a thought. If the world - and this is what was meant by becoming unknown - if the world views you as someone who is indulgent in food, or lazy in body, or if you are seen - whether accurately or inaccurately makes NO difference whatsoever - but if you are seen as someone who - "Ah, that girl SHOULD have diabetes because she does this and she does that!" Now, whether you do this or do not do that really makes no difference. However, what matters is that this energy forms a collective whether these people know you or not is irrelevant. If they know you, the collective is stronger. If it is a series of perceptions by random strangers, the collective nonetheless exists, because the paradigm states, "If this, then that."

This is part of the groove of the record. This is the dominant belief system manifesting in reality - whatever reality may be. But at this point I am talking about the reality of matter, the reality of the body, the reality of what you are experiencing.

Is that to say other people put this onto you? Yes and no. You exist within their perception. Their perception says, "If this, then that." The paradigm is woven together like a gauzy fabric almost - it is a tightly woven belief system that threads itself over and back and around and around, and what is actually occurring is that the energy which is you and your body is either shaped by the collective, or by your Self.

That being the case, your task becomes to form a new collective of one. And part of that involves being unknown. This is a difficult concept to explain. People think that means all sorts of things. They think it means trading identities or hiding behind masks. None of those things are accurate. Being unknown is about essentially making your energy unavailable to the collective. If you are not perceived by the collective - which creates the paradigms - then you are free to create your own reality in a more positive manner.

You asked me the mindset of healing. This is it. It is to be whole and well unto yourself regardless of the labels or perceptions placed not only on you, but on the paradigm itself, by the collective. I've talked to you about how you program others how to program you. If you are seen - for whatever reason or no reason at all - as someone who *should* have heart disease, or diabetes, or cancer, those thoughts are energy... and that most especially includes if you see yourself that way. All those ifs and shoulds. If you have uploaded those as part of your personal paradigm, this is why you are experiencing the manifestation of this alleged dis-ease.

You must ask yourself to what extent you have accepted that paradigm. Are you organic matter believing it is eternal? Or are you an eternal being attached briefly to organic matter, which is essentially only the paradigm's labeling for a manifestation of energy which is not easily understood when it is in solid form. If you have accepted that paradigm, you become, by your own acceptance, subject to its rules.

What am I saying here? If you believe you're well, you're well? No. Don't make that mistake. You would be better off - if you have uploaded that paradigm, that programming mechanism - you would be better off operating within the rules of the program. Take the white man's medicine. Do the white man's chant. Live and die. And when you and I come together in our final dance, experience your totality.

However, in the meantime, there are alternative, and they are huge. If you have uploaded this paradigm, you need to look for the connect points. You need to examine where and why the collective has more power over you than you have over yourself. Remember that for every reality that manifests, there are an infinite - absolutely infinite - number of parallel realities, which are entirely different or slightly different.

If you have manifested or agreed to the paradigm which states "If this, then that... If you have this body type, then therefore you should have diabetes..." If you have taken that into yourself as truth, then that is truth. You need to examine those connect points. Why would you believe and, from belief, turn into knowledge-through-experience - and let's face it, you are experiencing this reality - why would you turn belief into knowledge because the paradigm says so?

I have spent a great deal of time with you - whatever time is - teaching you to BE BEYOND that which is problematical. There is no path to being beyond. There is no process. You simply decide and Do at the level of manifest energy.

A lot of warriors like to think that the collective really doesn't have any power. That is not only an erroneous belief, but a dangerous one. I need to stress to you being unknown. You may walk thru the world. You may do anything that pleases you. What determines your availability to the energetic imprint of the consensus is the degree of energy; or in this case, I will use this word sparingly - belief - you place into the collective itself.

For example... You walk thru an amusement park knowing that it is a finite environment, and no matter how fun the rides or how much you are able to divorce yourself from reality and believe you really are in the haunted mansion or space mountain, there is a part of you held in reserve which knows, This is finite. Tonight at six when the park closes, I will return to a different mindset, a different world, if you will.

It's the same w/ the collective. When you walk among it, you are either walking among it as a participant or as an actor. If you are walking among it as a participant, you become subject to its rules. You agree to forget that it is fiction. If you are walking among it as an actor, it's like visiting the amusement park. You know that the person in the Mickey Mouse suit is a person in a Mickey Mouse suit. The same as walking thru the collective - you either allow its energy to affect you as if it is real... or you use the amethyst dagger* to separate your singularity from the demands and the perceptions of the existing collective. You either intermingle energy with them and become subject to their rules, or you do not.

There is no middle ground.

This is what it is to be unknown. It is to be in the world, but not of the world. It is to be an actor, not a participant. To do that requires keen awareness at all times. It requires a shift of your own assemblage point from the world of matter and men into the night that never ends. When you are interacting w/ the collective, you are either a transient mortal participant, or an eternal being observing the play and perhaps at times interacting with the players.

But the moment you start to believe you are one of them, you are subject to their rules, and - you are not going to agree with this and you are not going to like it - their rules and their perceptions require and demand of one another the mutual destruction of self and others at the level of awareness.

That is something you will have to think about. You will have to wrap your mind around it in whatever manner you can. I can speak the words, but the words themselves are only, at best, a signpost.

You've asked me many times, "What is the night that never ends?" I've never been able to give you an answer that is definitive. And this one is no more definitive than any other. But look at it this way: From the world of matter & men (the world of the tonal), you perceive thru the lens of time. From the perspective of the night that never ends (the assemblage point of the nagual), you perceive from the lens of timelessness, but also from the awareness that it is the I-Am itself which exists in the night that never ends. That central core of you, of spirit, of me, is the milieu of the singularity.

DJM made a comment which was, "The self dreams the double. And then at some mystical point in time, the self realizes that it is the double who is dreaming you." The actuality of that in the energetic world is that, from the world of matter & men, you are dreaming the double. From the world of the night that never ends, the double is dreaming you. DJM went on to say, "The mystery is that we can open our eyes in either one."

Think about that.

You have opened your eyes inside the night that never ends many times. You have opened your eyes inside me. But for whatever reason - and this is not a criticism, it is simply an observation of the human condition - for whatever reason, while you are in humanform, there is a tendency, a compulsion, as it were, to open your eyes inside the world of matter & men. Because that is the natural milieu, the water in which you swim. On one level... Now on the other, to me, the natural water in which I swim is the night that never ends. You can open your eyes inside that. And you will be free of dis-ease.

This may sound easy to you. I'm not going to tell you it's hard. I'm not going to tell you it's easy. You've done it. You know what it feels like. You can think of it in whatever terms are most beneficial - a shift of the AP, a movement of awareness from right to left. The manner in which you visualize it doesn't matter. What matters is that when you assemble the world of matter & men from the perspective of the night that never ends, you begin to immediately *see* that all of this is a creation which enables you, or provides you with a luminous egg in which to gestate the awareness which then exists beyond the world of matter & men.

I don't know if you will understand this. If you do, excellent. If you don't, keep returning to it. There is a crucial element that has to do with the place from which you assemble the world - any world. When you can move that assemblage point to the non-local point of awareness, you will exist simultaneously in both worlds, as you and I do now. The difference will be that there will be no barrier. There will be no limitation.

Does this mean your humanform body will die? No. Does this mean your humanform body will become immortal? No. It means, however, that you will move beyond the human assemblage point, and in doing so you will possess the ability to create your reality beyond the reaches of the existing consensus.

Orlando - November 23, 2007

*The amethyst dagger: a reference to a magical tool I once used when journeying with the mushroom ally. The purpose of the amethyst dagger was to carve one's own unique and unmistakable imprint into the energetic fabric of the All.
"You have to be immortal before you will know how to become immortal."
Quantum Shaman | Talking Toltec

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healing, orlando, being unknown, channeling, toltec

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