Notable NPCs

Mar 28, 2012 14:11

The town you find yourself in feels empty, but it is not (is it?). How many people live in the city? can't quite remember when you read the sign outside the city. You could count, but that might be difficult. You could observe, or use specially gifted abilities to scan and see...but things sort of seem to fuzz around the edges, or change even while you're counting.

There's at least a thousand citizens of the town, though, and all of them are familiar to someone. Except these. These NPCs seem to be staples of the town, familiar to no one and changing the least. These NPCs won't tend to disappear or forget you're there when you're talking to them, and it's just possible they might know more about the town and what's going on than anyone else.

Or perhaps they don't.

Mayor Tuck Daniels

Mayor Daniels is a fair man, by all indications he runs the city well and the citizens seem to like him well enough. He might be getting on in years, given his white hair and the liver spots on his hands, but his build and face suggest he's in his mid-twenties, not his sixties. He can usually be found in his office working on great stacks of paperwork, but he's most often willing to speak with anyone who visits. It's just that he doesn't really have much to say of use. He's been Mayor so long he can't remember who came before him, and in fact he can't seem to remember anything about the town's history before you arrived. He doesn't seem to be bothered by this though, he forgets all sorts of things...but at least he manages not to forget people he's talking to.

Judge George Brown

Judge Brown is a stern and stoic man. He metes out justice as he sees fit, and that's often right down to the letter of the law without room for any sort of alternate interpretation. But...what law? He doesn't seem to be able to tell any of them when asked, but then he might just not have time. He always seems terribly busy reviewing cases that never go to court, and he's not particularly welcoming to people who come in and harass him while he's busy. Other than the fact that he's clearly an adult, it's impossible to pin an age on him.

Sheriff Jimmy Lee

Sheriff Lee is a laid-back jokester. He doesn't really seem to take his job seriously, and he seems to slack around in the police office more than anything else. One might expect him to be a fresh officer rather than the Sheriff, but he is clearly in his late forties. Apparently he doesn't see very much action, as his sedentary lifestyle is starting to make itself evident in his physique. He'll happily answer any questions people ask...but the answers are often so elaborate and over the top that it's very likely he's just making up things that sound amusing to him.

(Cafe) Waitress Cheryl Matthews

Cheryl is sweet and warm-hearted. She'll always have time to pull up a chair and listen to your troubles, and she's always got some sort of bits of gossip about townsfolk to share if you'll listen to her for a change. She's also got bits of wild urban legends about the town if you prod her about it a bit. Her shift is usually from open until close in the cafe, but where she goes when she's off is a mystery, though she can be found around town on occasion when her shift changes, too. Asking her direct questions about the town that don't have to do with the above will just fluster and confuse her, and she'll drawl out an excuse for why she just doesn't know that sort of thing. She has the mentality and carries herself as a middle-aged woman, but she's clearly only in her late teens.

(Head) Doctor Julia Stevens

Doctor Stevens is polite and kind and very motherly to her patients. Her number one priority is getting you completely fixed up and out on your way, and it doesn't seem to make a difference whether it's a splinter or severe trauma. She won't have any nonsense about discharging you before you're as healthy as she can get you to be, though, whether or not you find the hospital creepy. She's also much too professional to answer any questions that are irrelevant to your current care. It's hard to say what age the woman is. Some days she seems middle aged, some days almost elderly, and some days she seems too young to be a Doctor.

Dentist Paul Smith

Doctor Smith can be found in the dentist's clinic of the hospital. He's friendly to children, but a bit clipped to anyone else. He gets a bit agitated at improper teeth care, and is a bit too obsessive over his job to have any time to talk about anything not related to teeth. He also lies horribly about how painless his procedures are. He's firmly in his thirties.

Town Council Members - As yet unknown

Supposedly these people pass all the measures and laws in the town. Sometimes their decisions can be felt by the people in the town, and they're certainly mentioned often...but never by name, and looking for council chambers seems to be a pointless effort. Are there actually any council members at all?


Notable NPCs are mod controlled, they may show up without warning in any log or communication which happens to be relevant to them or catch their interest. They may or may not always be where they're supposed to be. Just because you're in the cafe doesn't mean you didn't catch a time when Cheryl's on break, and just because you're in the bookstore doesn't mean you won't run across Doctor Stevens looking for something to do between shifts.

If you need a Notable NPC specifically, you can contact the mods to bring one. Regular NPCs may sometimes be mod controlled as well, but are fully within the Player's realm of control most times.

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