a thursday lament

Mar 06, 2008 15:01

I don't have any problem working on Fridays. I don't usually get distracted by weekend plans. I'm not antsy to cut the day short in favor of happy hour, hanging out with friends, or even sleep. And I don't have a hard time getting up on Monday mornings. I wake up, go to the gym, and get right down to business. It's not an issue.

But Thursdays. I don't know why I have such a hard time getting things done on Thursdays. Honestly. It's like my brain creates a holiday smack dab in the middle of my productivity, every week. Like clockwork.

Oh well. At least I get to see Cory tonight. We're making marinated chicken with dates over cous cous and watching Death at a Funeral. I think I'll just enjoy my night and not sweat the module evaluations that my students will have to wait one more day for. After all, as a recent text message reminded me: Beep beep beep boop boop is Robot for 'I love you.'

work, cory, grad school, love

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