Long Days, Long Nights

Aug 08, 2009 21:54

RMFC continues tomorrow, a mere 20 minutes away, but it's over for me. I've got to get up early and go to Texas tomorrow (family obligations). There are any number of reasons I'm not looking forward to it, the foremost being the 12-16 hour drive, but that is a rant for another time.
As for the con itself, it was fairly entertaining. I made a few acquisitions, including an otter pendant for my staff (also known as the "Stick of Inspiration") from foxfeather, and a badge from Kite Wanderlust. Other random occurrences:

  • Meeting an old classmate from elementary school (straight lizard, I forget what species)
  • Laken Steeljaw dressing in impressive raven costume (there were many other good suiters, but I didn't know most of them so I can't point them out)
  • screwbald (specifically KenKat) distributing 30-second post-it note badges (I got one!)
  • Discovering that the Stick of Inspiration is considered a "prop" rather than a "weapon", because in Colorado blunt objects are not automatically considered weapons unless they are six feet or greater in length (some patrolling con staff were quite concerned about this until I was properly paperworked)
To add to all this, I finally got to meet kyellgold and Kit Silver in person, by hanging out at their table for a large part of Saturday as they peddled various sofawolf wares. They were both very good-natured about this, and they also both had nice hats. RMFC is not a particularly busy con, and I avoided being in the way during sales by cleverly choosing to stand immediately in front of the fire exit. In case of fire, I could thus demand tribute from anyone who desired to flee. Then I would be trampled by the ensuing mob, in accordance with the prophecy.


I really do have my odd moments, don't I?

badges, the stick of inspiration, rmfc, con, an intentionally senseless paragraph, fire, travel

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