Xyzzy's fic

Jun 15, 2006 18:26

Sorry I haven't updated it. Here's another crapfic courtesy of Xyzzy.

Angles in the outfrield is hands down the worst Galaxy Angel fanfic ever. (see This link for info about Galaxy Angel.) Xyzzy is probably a whopping 10 years old or less (it's typed in chatspeak.) I don't know about you, but I find very young people like this writing porn very disturbing. Here the Galaxy Angels are forced to play a baseball game. They lose, so naturally, they're forced to be sex slaves to the winners.

Oh, and BTW, Kanon, the creator of Galaxy Angel, is a WOMAN.

Galaxy Angel: Angles in the Outfrield

by XyZzY

Summari: The girls discover basevall again. They play for some guys. This iz my first fanfuck I hope ypu enjoy. M/f, M/f+, M/M/F, BDSM, Humil, DP, slave, anal,

Disclaimer: Some dude created Galaxy angel, not me.

The Galaxy Abgels were flying in their ships to some ruins. Lwader Milfulle Sakura spotted a large ruin and odered the angel to investigate. "Vanillla, set us d0wn over there." Milfluele odored. "As y'all wish." Vanila responded. She set thier ship sown and turned off thr engine. Ranfa stood up and went to the door. Ment oped the door ahd w3nt outside.
Upon landing, the angels found tehmselves in a stadium. "What is thizn pla\e?" Mentv asked. "I think it's for alot of people." Ranfa replied.n This stadium waz onceb home tp a baseball team. Milfoole was standing oh home plate when she hit her. Milfloolb turned around to see that she was face-to-face with a mn.
"What do you wznt?" he aksed.
"My names Milliefuk and I l33t the galaxi angels." Miltful said. "Hmm... you ar3 quite petty." He said. "I thibk we should hab a game." He said.
"What kind of game?" Milfueloe axked.
"It's a game of base bawl. T e six of us against the six of you." He said.
"Alright, we'll take you in amd now prepar to loose." Milfulel said.
The game was a massacur; The Galaxy Angles had no chance. The took the field and got wiped by it. The fist guy took Ranfa's pitch over the wall. The next four batters were like that as the ange;s tried to get then out. They lost the gane 13-3. Milfulelk gathered the angelas and they stood facing there foes.
"We lost. What do you want fr0m us?" Milfurlle asked.
"You are now our sex slabs. We dew lots to see who would get who." One of them said. "I got this."
The grrrls had no choice but to resign theirselves to their fate. Milfule reluctantly went with her mastur.
Once at his home, he odored her to change into her new slabe outfit. It consistened pf an underbra abd rotchless pants. Milfule was taken to her place of punishmant. She was odered to clean the place. It was really ditty. Milfuel tok a week to clean the place out. She had been vhained to a wall for this.
Fote was also taken to another place. She wax odered to strip and lie on the floof. The guy 6hen offered Forte the butt of th3 gun to suck in. "Come on, show me that you lik it." He said. Forte took her gun and liked it, running her tonge up qnd down the handel. The guy then took the gun away and replaced it with her dick. Forte wasn't used to taking oders from anyone but Milflue;;e. She locked his dick, running her tongue up and down it. She hated the sour taate of hid dick, but kicked it anyway. He felt her tongue careless his balls while she sicked him. Forte didn't like sucking cock, but she was his slane now, and had to do his wishes. After a long tome of this, He parted her legs to get a look at her pussy. He then decided to shove his fick into her pussy.
"Ow! That huerts!" Forte said. She had his dick in her pussy. She didn't like getting fucked, but slaves have no choice in the matter. His dick was very hard and lonf, and she pushed it as hard and as deep as he could insid3 her. He fould he couldn't fit all of his dick into her pussy. so he pushed her to the floor and shoved his dick into her asshole.
"Ow! This hurts!" Forte protested in vein. He stuck his dick into her ass as far as it would go. She could feel his dick rub against her throat bones. Forte groaned and winced in pa9n, but this pnly served to excit3 him moor.He fucked her asd funtil he was sqtisfied, coming hard into her pussy. Forte didn't come at all, but this was any6hung but fun for h3r. "Hmm... pathet9c." He saic. "I'm sellinf you to the highest bodder." Forte was onb teh floor, vleeding from her assd.
Milefuel was in with het mas6er. She wore chains and nothing else.
"Milfupe, I have a gust for you. I want to see how you do with both of us." He said. His fr9end appeared adn showed her his duck. Mildfuel l00ked at it dor a moanment. He shoved it into her face, demanding that she suck it. Mikfuell took his duck into her mouth ans sycked it. H3 only felt a mild arousal from this. "Your girl sucks at dicksucking." He said. "Takw it all in." Melfuel had no choice but to dee[- throay him. Milfool also had tp contend with another dick in her ass. the tips of their dick met and rubbed againsr eA ch oter. They pushed back and fourth until they came hard inside Milkfuel.
Fotre was hurting. Her mast3r had fucked her hard in the ass, but wasn'y satisfied. He wanted morr out of her. She was spent, tho o. Forte lo0ked up at herbmaster. "Please, I can"t take anymore." She said. "You'll take it and lik3 it."mHe said. Forte grooned and felt hin shove his dixk in her pussy. He slapped her ass as he rode her hard. "Try harder! Iwant to cone!" Forte's ass was reed from him slapping him. He fucked her hard, odering her to make him cone. After a long time, Forteen passed out from exchastion. She couldn't take anymore. "Bah. You are useless, girl." Her master said. He removed his dick from her and walked away.
Milfurll was tried. She couldn't lift a musckle after being doulbe rammed like that. "Please stip" she begged. "I am tried." "No. You will fuck us until we're satusfied." Her master replied. He shoved hos dick in her pussy again. "Clamp harder! I don't feeel a
thong!" "Ow! No! Poease! Stop!" Milfeul b3gged. She passed put from ex austin. "Bah. Useless. The moghty galaxy angel are bad in bed" He commented. Maybe I can get something fpr her on Intergalatic Autions."bHe said.
Can the Angles get out of this? T0 be continued!

Plwas3 read * revew. If you lik it, I will add moor chapturs1!

Sadly, I lost all of the second chapter except for a few clips. Basically the plot went like this: the head slavemaster came in. He SCREAMED Marty Stu. All the Angels fell madly in love with him (even Vanilla!) and he ended up doing all of them at the same time. Somehow, he was able to have his huge penis in the vaginas of all 7 galaxy angels (never you mind there are only SIX angels) at the same time without any ill effects to the Angels. I kid you not.

Autors not: YAY!!! You haet me!! W00t!11!!11!!! I writ moor so you haet me moor!!!1!1!!!!1!11 W00t!!111!1!!!1!!

"Oh mi.... he is so handsum." "He shure is. I watn him~" "I can 't wati to get him." "Well. so you watn me. I thinkk you shuld beg for my dock." "Oh plase, mastur. We want yuor dickbad." He gave a snug grim. "You dot'n seeem to be putting yoru hart intoo this." "Oh, mast3r, we are sin seer. We want yur dick."

"I can do it allll. BBut I wasnt satis fined." "What doo you meen?" "No grrrl has bean able to sat is fyy mee." "Butt you csme." "Yea butt there as just some thign laking." "Why van't I fidn a grrrl whoo can maak me happiu?" "You seeemed to be happi in tere." "I was, but I want moor. It grives me that grrrls can' sastisfy me." "I wissh i had teh grrrls wnting my dick." "It's a curze."

Teh heaa naster sbent down and sarted licking their pussies at teh same time.

"Threy all undr ess and begged for him. He suck his dick into their 7 mouts and odered them to suck

"I willll eat yur pusss now." He tuck his tongue on tier 7 pussses at teh same time

They fucked for over 12 hours. He then came hard into thar 7 pussis.

Be grateful you can't see the whole thing.
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