
Apr 02, 2009 01:06

A surprise in every post!

Interesting situation of the day
Alice's text (1:43pm): Im coming over!
Maritza is napping
Alice jumps on bed (2:06pm): "Maritza I'm here, wake up!
Maritza half asleep: "hmph, if you're not Vince get off my bed" Rolls over and covers self with blanket
Maritza realizes what she has just said as Alice runs to the kitchen and yells out to everyone in a 5 mile radius that she was kicked off bed for not being good enough.

Lame April Fools joke of the day
Vince: I just quit the theatre!
Maritza: No you didn't
Vince: I know I didn't... :(

Alice, Rosanna and I went to Oceanside today and had dinner at Ruby's. It was pleasant, we sat at a nice booth that overlooked the water and the setting sun. We were waiting for our iffy lemonade and I started playing with my phone. I had forgotten that it was April Fools day until I saw the date on my calendar, so I quickly devised a plan. I am a master at improvisation, so all I needed to do was get the wheels in motion and I worked with what I had. I turned to Alice and said, "Hey Alice, there is something I have been keeping from you. Don't get mad or anything... No, maybe I shouldn't tell you." This, of course, got Alice's attention and she practically begged me to tell her, she even promised she wouldn't get mad. I turned to her and said, "Well... I don't know if Rosanna has told you already." At this point I turned to Rosanna and managed to sneek in a wink, thus letting her know to play along. Rosanna is another master at improv and to my surprise, had said something to Alice earlier that worked in my favor. I turned to Alice and held her hand and said, "Ok, but you have to promise you wont tell anyone and to not get mad for not telling you." She looked like she was about to explode, so she finally blurted out "OMG are you pregnant?!" This caught me off guard and I said, "WHAT?! NO!" Almost blowing my cover. Alice said, "OMG that's what I thought you were gonna say cuz Rosie told me when you went to the bathroom that you have been going to the bathroom a lot and that you might be pregnant, waaa!!" I turned to Rosanna and gave her a knowing look, she obviously thought that I was gonna go with the good ol' Im pregnant joke but not this time, and she played right along with me. I looked at Alice and said,

see more Lolcats and funny pictures"No, that's not it..." Alice once again looked like she was gonna explode from all the waiting so I finally took a deep breath and said, "Ok.. Well, Vince and I have been dating for two weeks." Alice's face was priceless. She was in shock, mostly because I had "held off" on telling her for so long. She then asked the most obvious question, when did it happen. So I told her it was the day he and I went to Filipi's the first time. She asked me for details, so I made up a story as best I could. I was getting a little nervous at this point for lots of reasons, if she asked too many questions she might catch me in my horrible web of lies. I stayed cool though, and answered her questions with as much detail as I could while remaining as vague as possible. She then went on about how mine and Vince's babies were gonna be so cute. I told her to not tell him she knew because he had told me not to tell anyone and if he found out I told her he might get mad. She said, "Ok but I wanna tell him that I know cuz I wanna see his face! Can I tell him today? Pleaaaase???" I played along and said, "Sure we can invite him over and you can tell him you know." She giggled like a school girl. I then wondered if he would play along with my lie, but I decided against it because I didn't want it to get out of hand. There was a point where I noticed that she was texting and I freaked out because I thought she was texting him (and I hadn't warned him yet of my mischievousness) and I almost ripped her arm off. Turns out she was just texting me o.O Im glad she didn't catch on. I let her believe my lie all through dinner, and all the way back to the car. Before we got to the car I turned to her and said, "Oh there is something else I havent told you that might make you mad." She looked at me with her puppy dog eyes and said, "What is it?" I looked at her, smiled and said, "You know about me and Vince? It's not true! April Fools!!!" Alice stopped dead in her tracks and made THE best rage face I have ever seen in my whole entire life! "I can't believe you did that to me, Maritza! You know how gullilble I am! UGH I can't believe I fell for that! I believed you like an idiot!" She didn't talk to me the whole ride back from Oceanside. I thought she was going to get revenge on me later when she invited Vince over for some Wii action but I don't think she had it in her heart to make me rage. I think she knew that if she did get me back, I would get her back 100 times worse than the first time. The best part of this whole story was when I told Danny how I pranked Alice. Danny said, "That's funny because you know that he will never date you for reals Mariksa, so the joke goes both ways. I win every time!" And he ran away laughing. The End.
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