Day 1: Tortall vs Emelan
Day 2: Favorite female character
Day 3: Favorite male character
Day 4: Favorite animal character
Day 5: Least favorite character
Day 6: Favorite series
Day 7: Least favorite series
Day 8: Mithros, Mynoss, and Shakith! Who’s your favorite god/goddess?
Day 9: Favorite book
Day 10: Least favorite book
Day 11: For the Circle fans: What kind of ambient magic would
you have? For the Tortall fans: What color would your Gift be? (Answer
both if you want.)
Day 12: Favorite passage
Day 13: The part that made you want to throw the book at the wall
Day 14: Favorite romantic relationship
Day 15: Least favorite relationship
Day 16: The relationship you wished had happened
Day 17: Favorite non-romantic relationship
Day 18: Favorite non-Tamora Pierce book
Day 19: A minor character you wish got more time to shine
Day 20: Favorite enemy
Day 21: Least favorite enemy
Day 22: Best WTF moment
Day 23: Saddest character death
Day 24: Favorite Immortal
Day 25: Least favorite Immortal
Day 26: Favorite non-Tortall country/ Favorite non-Emelan country
Day 27: Pet (immortal or mammal) you wish was yours
Day 28: Song that reminds you of a Tamora Pierce book and/or specific passage
Day 29: The character you wish was your BFF
Day 30: Your perfect cast for your favorite book/series/world
I...kind of really love almost all of the female mains in the series I've read, if I don't, I don't get through the series. I'm tempted to say that Kel is my favorite, since hers was the first series I read and I really love the balance to her story. In some ways, Daine is my favorite because her arc has a strong emphasis on magic and knowledge without surrendering the action; and fuck it, I don't care if it makes me sound like an elementary schooler, I love all the animals. I just do. Alanna is a classic, although I'll admit I like her when she's older a little better (like when she shows up in another series I fangirl), mostly because that's how I was first introduced to her. Re-reading the series really makes me appreciate what she was like beforehand, too. Beka Cooper has such a straightforward wit and sense of humor that I really enjoyed reading her story from the first-person perspective, and she completely rekindled my love for Tortall after years of absence.
So yeah, that question is just not fair =\ I am notoriously indecisive and there are lots of characters that I like.