Okay, I got enough of a response on the last entry to decide that I'll do Dark Month this year!
As always, I must give credit to
kacfrog711 for the original idea and thank her for allowing me to borrow the concept.
For those who need a reminder, Dark Month is where I will post one piece of "dark" fanfiction a day for the entire month of October It's a fun
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I see you have a lot of blank spaces on your list. If any of these prompts inspire you, here are some words/phrases:
"All I ever wanted and all I ever hated, coming together"
I leave the fandoms up to you. Originals are good too. <3 I'll post more if I think of them if it helps. Gosh, I am so slow of thinking up prompts, and then they're not even that awesome, haha.
p.s. I am two OAVs away from finishing up Baccano. Thanks so much for recommending this series to us. D and I scream with laughter through every episode. For the last couple of days we've been shouting "SONO TOOOOOORI DA MIRIA!" and "NEEE, IZAKUUU!!" and "SUGGGGGOOOOOOOI!!" across the house at each other.
I'm actually going to nab one of those suggestions and put it down as your second prompt since I said people could have two this year. ^_^ If I still have blanks by the time the 1st rolls around, I will fill them in myself but I really like both of your suggestions so I'll probably stick 'em in!
BACCANO IS AMAZING. I AM SO EXCITED THAT I HAVE FINALLY GOTTEN SOMEONE ELSE TO WATCH IT BECAUSE IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. XD I'm glad to hear that you and D are enjoying it. Isaac and Miria are absolutely hilarious. Alkjasd;fl I love them so much.
OH GOD THE TRICO TRAILERS. I WANT IT NOWWWWW NRRRGGH BUT I NEED A PS3 FIRST. Every time I see it I think of you. ^_^ *chews on you*
We finished Baccano last night. I think it's highest percentage of truly fucked-up characters in such a small number of episodes of any anime. (Why did they wait until the third-to-last episode to introduce Graham Specter!? WHY) Thanks again. We both had an awesome time. Feel free to recommend more to us. We like your taste.
Also, hurry up and read/watch MONSTER, for the love of god! >8I
I want it so bad I could cry. I will be buying both it and a PS3 the day it comes out even if I have to kill someone.
I'll keep Eden of the East in mind. Thanks!
Do you guys like fantasy anime? Because we previewed one series that I really enjoyed but it didn't get enough votes to be watched called Guin Saga that you might find interesting if you've never heard of it. You may have though - I think it's one of those properties that's been around for ages and they're only just now animating it.
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