Mar 02, 2006 23:37
Doesn't Portland pretty much rule for having free internet at PDX? It's really hardcore. And it is the Port of Portland. Because Portland... is the land of port. Really, it should be Portsland if there are multiple ones. But there's just the one. So it's just Portland.
Lucy called me just to ask if paisley was better than plaid. How is that even a question? Paisley > pretty much all patterns.
Sarah is here! She says... hot pocket.
Which reminds me that Chuck Norris kid kept saying Hot Pocket in drafting and I pretty much really wanted to laugh every time he said it.
I have nothing interesting to say, but I am at the airport. PDX. PortlanD X-core! I think. Probably.
Erm... erm... and... yeah. So I'm at the airport. In case I didn't make that clear. Oh, and I'm in Portland. With Sarah. Who is also in this great land of Port.
Apparently my typing is amusing. I use three fingers on one hand and only one on the other. Yet I never look at the keys. I am talented-like. Pretty much.