May 12, 2006 16:45
*sitting in the backroom of the shop, on one of the boxes, biting his lip nervously*
George? I -- I think that we should talk. I -- I have a few things I need to tell you, and to ask you.
Dec 05, 2005 05:47
Reading over Mam and Da's old journals... I miss them a lot... *sighs and curls up in his bed*
Sep 27, 2005 17:19
Dead... Mam... Mam's dead... I... she didn't ever... say anything... she... and Da didn't tell me... why didn't you let me know, Da? She's been dead for weeks now, apparently. So why...? Dammit, Da.
Jun 23, 2005 02:06
I am... so... bloody... stupid...