post, via
ojuzu, on how to give aid to Pakistan after their recent floods:
You can look at
Good Intentions Are Not Enough for general guidelines, but here're specific ones:
1. Give to an established organization already on the ground and with experience working locally.
2. Give cash, not goods. Shipping items to Pakistan is expensive. With cash, organizations can buy what they need closer to the disaster site.
3. Don’t earmark your donation, but give to an organization that you trust to allocate your money wisely.
List of charities:
Oxfam (link to the English site, also available in French and Spanish)
Red Cross (link to English site, also available in French and Spanish). You can take spare change to a bank and tell them to accept it as a microdonation to the Red Cross as well.
Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) (link to English site, also available in French)
Global Giving. &
InterAction have lists of charities with solid reputations.
Eidhi Foundation &
Islamic Relief have also been working in the area for several years.
If you're in the US, you can text the word “SWAT” to the number 50555 to donate $10 to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to provide tents, clothing, food, clean water and medicine to Pakistan.
There's also communities like
I know we've emptied our pockets for Chile and Haiti, but let's do what we can. They need it.