Savin+Egan fic - Best Party Ever

Feb 05, 2013 09:15

So I couldn't resist giving Savin the satisfaction of punching Egan in the face. Not sure when it takes place but it's months into the AU

Okay, this party of Xan’s? Much better than I expected it to be. The music’s alright and there are plenty of people here. Easy enough to blend into the crowd and try and enjoy myself for once.

Especially since I have a glass of vodka in my hands. Free alcohol? Definitely makes this party way better. The only thing that’d make this party the best one it could possibly be? Jazz by my side. I know he wasn’t invited -- I think I was only invited because Dylan and I are friends. I haven’t seen Dylan all night since we got here -- and it’s not like it’s hard to miss those short shorts and cropped top, too.

If it weren’t for the fact that I totally had it bad for his little brother, I’d have found that hot, myself. Instead, I’m trying not to think about how my AP Calc grade still isn’t where I want it to be by drinking as much alcohol as I can possibly tolerate. The fact that the room’s not spinning yet? Means I’m not fucking drinking enough.

When I spot a guy with long blond hair, my stomach does a fucking flip. Are you kidding me? He’s here, too? Egan smirks at me, and I know that fucking glint in his eye.

“The fuck do you want, Egan?” I spit. I wobble a little on my feet as I turn to him. My head moves slower than the rest of me. Or at least it feels that way. Kinda trippy, honestly.

Egan saunters over to me, brushing his long blond hair out of his face. How I want to punch that beautiful fucking face in. His smirk never leaves his face. “Why, Savin, is that how you greet an old friend?”

“You and I aren’t friends, asshole. You fucked me -- multiple times, even -- in a fucking bathroom stall after proving to me that I didn’t love my girlfriend.”

Judging from the look on Egan’s face, I just said all of that out loud. Oops. Feel my face get even warmer than it already is as I take another sip of my drink. If I’m going to be drinking I might want to try and keep my mouth shut a little better.

“You still with her?” Egan asks, almost unphased as he sidles up beside me.

I snort into my cup and push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. “No, pretty boy,” I growl at him. “She broke up with me -- after I told her about what happened.”

Not that I fucking blame her. We had been together for two years and yet I didn’t love her? Talk about a punch to the gut -- for both of us.

“That’s too bad,” Egan murmurs. He trails his fingers up my arm. I totally expect to feel that lightning sensation all over again, like I did months ago.

Except I don’t. I feel nothing. Just skin on skin. Just skin on skin. Egan looks at me expectantly, still smirking, his fingers trailing even further up my arm and I feel nothing.

I can use this. I know I can. Slowly, I smile back at him. Even move a little closer to him. Bastard wants to make me his next target, huh? I can fucking do that.

Now I’m actually kinda happy Jazz isn’t here. He doesn’t have to watch what I’m about to do. Egan’s smirk grows wider, and he pulls my cup from my hands and places it somewhere behind him before cupping my cheek. “You know, Savin,” he whispers, his lips inches from my own, “we can talk about this more privately, if you like.”

You’d like that, wouldn’t you, asshole? I force myself to smile back. Try to remember how I acted when he last tried (and succeeded) in putting the seduction powers on me. Pull him closer to me and almost fall backwards -- apparently I’m less coordinated than I thought? Who knew. When he catches me and starts dragging me towards the bedrooms, I give myself a little shake.

I can do this. I can make this pretty god kid think he has me under his spell. Seduction powers don’t work on people who are in love, asshole -- and I? I don’t feel a fucking --


Oh shit.

I’m in love.

Change of plans. Was gonna punch his fucking face in when he got me to wherever it was he wanted me to go. Now? Oh, I’m not fucking waiting now. “Hey, Egan?” I try and sound cheerful. Perky, even. I want him to fucking look at me and think I want him as badly as he wants me, right now. And when he fucking turns towards me, it’s all I can do to keep my right hand from balling at my side. I have to wait. Need to make this perfect. “Why don’t we do it out here?” I ask, grinning at him.

Egan seems to like this idea. And I feel as if my face is about to fucking split as he moves in closer. I totally have him, now. I’ve never had the satisfaction of fucking punching a god in the face before and I’m not sure I ever will ever again after this, but when my fist slams into his cheek it is the most glorious thing ever. Ever

Except fucking christ, my hand hurts. I almost knocked myself off balance, too, throwing all of my weight into the punch like that. Egan staggers backwards, crashing into something and falling over, flat on his ass. People are totally cheering all around me.

Too bad Jazz isn’t here. I think this would have been the perfect time to pull him close and kiss him. Like I’ve been dying to do for fucking months, now. Could have even told him I love him.

And this time? I’d totally know I was telling the truth.

member: theun4givables, character: egan, rating: r, character: savin

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