Another Amanda surveyquiz

Jan 12, 2006 02:24

Done any of the following things, you put an x in between the parentheses. Have Fun and Dont Lie!!

Have you ever...

( ) played Spin the Bottle
( ) Toilet Papered someone's house
( ) Played Strip Poker
( ) fell in a pool drunk
( ) fell in a fire drunk
( ) Skinny-dipped
(x) Been tickled so hard you couldn't talk
(x) Liked someone but never told them.
( ) Went camping
(x) Had a crush on your brother's/sister's friend
(x) Walk in the rain without an umbrella (who uses umbrellas?)
( ) Been in a talent show
( ) Worn something your mom or dad didn't approve of
(x) Been to a beach
( ) Drank jack daniels
( ) Cursed in a church/temple/mosque....etc.
( ) Burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightener
( ) Wanted to be a police officer
(x) cried during a movie
(x) Wanted something you couldn't have
(x) Seen someone shoplift
( ) Hung up on someone
(x) Yelled at your pet
(x) Yelled at your TV
( ) Gotten seasick
(x) Been to an island (i live on one, does that count?)
( ) Screamed at the top of your lungs just to scream
(x) Wished a part of you was different.
(x) Asked a guy/girl to dance.
(x) Laughed so hard you cried
( ) Laughed so hard you almost peed...
( ) Went up to a complete stranger and started talking
(x) Been sunburnt
(x) Threw up in school (last time I threw up was in elementary school in the Nurse's office.)
( ) received an anonymous love letter
(x) Had to wear something you didnt want to
( ) Been in a commerical on tv
(x) Been out of the country
( ) Been honked at by some guy/girl when you were walking down the sidewalk.
( ) Won at pool
( ) Cheated on your bf/gf
( ) been cheated on
(x) Tanned
(x) Been searched in an airport
(x) been on a plane
(x) Thrown a shoe at someone
( ) Sung in the shower
(x) done something really stupid, about which you still laugh
(x) Been walked in on when you were dressing
( ) ran out of a movie theater because you were too scared to finish the movie
(x) been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back
( ) Been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one
( ) Done something stupid when you were drinking
( ) fell off your roof
( ) had a deer jump in front of your car
(x) Played an instrument
(x) been in a band (the school band!
( ) Sang in front of over 250 people

Now for some questions asking what you can do...

Can you...

( ) unwrap a starburst with your tongue (never tried)
( ) Sing
(x) Open your eyes underwater (I don't liek to)
(x) Ice skate (barely)
( ) Sing in front of a crowd
(x) be a meanie at times
( ) Do thirty pull ups..
(x) Eat super spicy foods
( ) Touch your nose with your tongue
( ) Fall asleep easily in the car
( ) Surf

Now heres just some random questions!...


(x) Slept for more than 12 hours
( ) missed a week of school or more in a row
(x) Put chapstick on more than 5 times in an hour
( ) Created a myspace survey
(x) Eaten a worm
(x) Jumped on a trampoline
( ) Ridden a unicycle
(x?) Done something special for someone else
(x) Paid more than $50 for food at a fast food
( ) got caught for cheating on a test
( ) Brushed your teeth while on the phone
(x) Written a poem
( ) randomly called people out of the phone book
(x) Been on a yacht
( ) Had a dream about a myspace friend
( ) had your pants rip while out in public
(x) Killed an animal
(x) Been prescribed to 3 or more medications by a doctor
( ) Used your friends razor without them knowing
(x) Been ashamed of a decision you made
( ) worked for a family member
( ) Been to a rock concert
(x) Gotten away with a lie to your parents
( ) Been dumped the night of a dance and left with out a date
(x) had to admit you are wrong
(x) Ridden on a shopping cart
( ) danced in a Mini Mart
( ) Worn a tiara
(x) Been in a play
(x) gone to church or temple more than 2 times in a week
( ) copied more than 20 CDs in a day
(x) Worn 2 or more layers of clothing
( ) Been to California
( ) Lived on a house boat
(x) Sat in a doctors office with a friend
(x) Run across 6 lanes of traffic
(x) Made fish lips
(x) Taken pictures of a stranger
( ) Been to Busch Gardens
(x) made a public speech
( ) Been on television
( ) Choreographed a dance
(x) Had fun at work/school
( ) Watched Desperate Housewives
( ) Watched a movie/TV Show so often you could quote almost every word.
( ) Listened to an old NSYNC or Backstreet Boys CD more than once in a day AFTER they were popular.
(x) Kept something from a past relationship(Duh! what are boyfriend boxes for?! hmmm if I ever had a past relationship even :P)
(x) Given someone else flowers
(x) Taken a foreign language
( ) Gotten to school at 6:15 in the morning
(x) Laughed for no apparent reason

Body: THE TOP 5

1. male friend: brian?adam?idon'tknow..........
3. Vacation: hmmmmm bahamas? maybe florida when i was a kid?
4. best age: i guess now. 18.
5. memory: dunno

1. Time of day: getting up in the morning
2. Day of the week: monday/wednesday
3. Food: disgusting stuff
4. Memory: parents fighting? how predictable!
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: never

1. Person u saw: Rich Rodi
2. Talk on the phone: Mom
3. Hugged: Sam Stanton
4. Text Messaged: never
5: IM: Sam Stanton

1. Kiss: never
2. Serious b/f or g/f: never
3. Car: 1994 Mercedes-Benz 400E
4. Job: never :P soon though I hope finally eventually
1. What are you doing now: this survey.
2. Tonight: already had "tonight" with samantha, brian, ian, and rich
3. Wearing: jeans+sweater
4. what did you eat for lunch: hot pockets!
5: Better than yesterday: yeah i guess

1. Is: thursday
2. Got any plans: dad+bbrother
3. Goal: go to sleep a little earlier?
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: idk.
5. Do you have work: :P

1. Number: 18
2: Song: idk.
3. Color: red
4 Season: spring/summer
5. State: new york.

1. Are you in love? guess nottt
2. With someone? nah.
3. Missing someone: sure.
4. Mood: tired
5. Wanting: sleep
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