oh god, Ian. HOW ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!?!

Dec 24, 2005 16:59

quackmanquackman (12:46:28 AM): we made him soooooo mad
rEaLsK8RdUde69 returned at 1:41:27 AM.
rEaLsK8RdUde69 (1:44:40 AM): yooo
quackmanquackman (1:45:26 AM): He's such a loser.
We were going out to dinner.... so we were going to take two cars. He said he wanted to "tell jessica something, just talk to her" so she'd go in his car, adn brian and I woudl go together in his dad's car he was able to drive
quackmanquackman (1:45:30 AM): So we're all walkign to the cars
quackmanquackman (1:45:42 AM): and brian joked that ian should go in the trunk but this time bring jessica...
quackmanquackman (1:45:47 AM): so sine ian's an idiot
quackmanquackman (1:45:51 AM): he runs over toe jessica
quackmanquackman (1:45:53 AM): grabs her
quackmanquackman (1:45:55 AM): picks her up
quackmanquackman (1:45:58 AM): and throws her int eh truck
quackmanquackman (1:46:00 AM): trunk
quackmanquackman (1:46:02 AM): of his car
rEaLsK8RdUde69 (1:46:04 AM): lol
quackmanquackman (1:46:16 AM): and then she's pissed and I tell him to stop and she's mad and she doesn't want to ride with him
quackmanquackman (1:46:21 AM): ian begs her fora while
quackmanquackman (1:46:25 AM): then finally he gives up
quackmanquackman (1:46:33 AM): and the three of us go with brian and ian drives by himself
rEaLsK8RdUde69 (1:46:38 AM): idot
quackmanquackman (1:46:47 AM): we go out to eat to Cozy Mels, we all through it was dlieiocus
quackmanquackman (1:46:50 AM): Ian got hte steak
quackmanquackman (1:46:55 AM): "make it as RARE as possible"
rEaLsK8RdUde69 (1:47:00 AM): ew
quackmanquackman (1:47:04 AM): yeah he's digsuting
quackmanquackman (1:47:15 AM): Dur9ing dinner, as we had all planned, I brougth up that we shoudl see a movie...
quackmanquackman (1:47:26 AM): Brokeback Mountain, with the ope that Ian had no idea what it was
quackmanquackman (1:47:30 AM): and he didn't he never heard of it
quackmanquackman (1:47:42 AM): so we were like "yeah ian, you'dl like it, it's a good old fashioned cowboy movie!"
quackmanquackman (1:47:47 AM): so we saw taht after dinner
quackmanquackman (1:48:01 AM): and well I guess about 15 mintues or a half hour int eh movie it was appare t that it was a gay movie
quackmanquackman (1:48:08 AM): and ians starts complaining int he theater
quackmanquackman (1:48:13 AM): and is a big baby about it
quackmanquackman (1:48:25 AM): and puts his hat over his face and tries not to pay attnetino the ENTIRE time :P
quackmanquackman (1:48:35 AM): then after the movie he acts like an idiot about it
quackmanquackman (1:48:47 AM): punches brian and I, but it stopped hurting after like a minute cause it wasn't hard.....
quackmanquackman (1:48:54 AM): Then we went back to my house, again he rode alone
rEaLsK8RdUde69 (1:49:00 AM): oh
quackmanquackman (1:49:15 AM): so we stay inside, ian goes on and on about how he hates blacks/gays then changes his mind, bla bla bla ian's an idiot
quackmanquackman (1:49:33 AM): So then he says "ok I'mn going to go home, and meet up with Catherine" so we say "ok, we'll go to the witches brew"
quackmanquackman (1:49:40 AM): so instead we follow him home.....
quackmanquackman (1:49:43 AM): he's not too mad yet....
quackmanquackman (1:49:48 AM): cause he says he's going home first
quackmanquackman (1:49:54 AM): not striagh to catherine's
quackmanquackman (1:50:07 AM): (for some reason he gets pissed if I mention other times that I'mg oign to follow him when he's going there)
quackmanquackman (1:50:14 AM): he's going home to take a shower first
quackmanquackman (1:50:18 AM): so he figures wehn we reach his house
quackmanquackman (1:50:22 AM): well get bored and leave
quackmanquackman (1:50:30 AM): but we didn't, we waited 20 minteus for him
quackmanquackman (1:50:46 AM): then he got in his car, started it up, came back out, and todl us to get lost... i ignored him for a bit then said oh ok..
quackmanquackman (1:50:51 AM): so I went downt eh block
quackmanquackman (1:50:57 AM): to make it like we left
quackmanquackman (1:51:14 AM): and then followed him to catherines and he's really mad, he stops teh car and says STOP FUCKIN' FLLOWING ME OMGGGGGG"
quackmanquackman (1:51:35 AM): But we do, and he tries to "cleverly" lose us.... obiosuly doeesn't work, he picks up catherine, tries to lose us again :P
quackmanquackman (1:51:43 AM): and then finally goes back to his house, and pulls into his driveway
quackmanquackman (1:52:03 AM): So we park thre too, I open the passnger side window so he can say stuff and we can finally leave....
quackmanquackman (1:52:08 AM): so he goes upt toe window wheere brian is sitting
quackmanquackman (1:52:14 AM): and he starts choking brian

quackmanquackman (1:52:50 AM): so while he's scrdamign thta and choking brian
quackmanquackman (1:52:54 AM): I smack his arm away
quackmanquackman (1:53:08 AM): and say "what are you, a baby? stop choking brian, you idiot!'

quackmanquackman (1:53:27 AM): there's no reason you have to get so mad, what in the world could go wrong with us just "omg following you"
quackmanquackman (1:53:38 AM): so after that we just left him there :P
quackmanquackman (1:53:41 AM): so that's what happened today.
quackmanquackman (1:57:25 AM): he totally overreacts to the most stupid things

yup, so then he sent me an apology IM later that night:
mArCuSaGaLoN (4:20:08 AM): hi, you are most likely asleep, but i feel the need to say something sooner rather than later. While following home i accepted, i politely asked you to turn off your brights, which you did to some extent
mArCuSaGaLoN (4:23:52 AM): but staying at my house and following me to somebody elses house was uncalled for. however, the way i reacted to that behavior was immature and infantile. i sincerely apologize to all three of you for the way that i acted. special apology belongs to brian, whose throat i choked. Once again, im sorry.... ps, please don't burn out at 12 am...you woke up my mom, and she is really pissed. goodnight, and merry christmas, i hope you accept this apology..goodnight

Doesn't he understand he has to apologize AND change his entire lifestyle/behavior/view on others in order to truly be honest about that?
his behavior during hte movie: quackmanquackman (1:47:56 PM): so jessica, brian, and I were with ian last night....
quackmanquackman (1:48:17 PM): aside from a whoel night of ian being the usual idiot/ass, we were able to go through wtihour Brokeback Mountain plan
quackmanquackman (1:48:23 PM): Ian had no idea what kind of movie it was
quackmanquackman (1:48:47 PM): so during dinner we spontaneously brought it up, and he agreed to see it since we thougth it would be good, and he had no idea it was about two gay guys.
quackmanquackman (1:49:00 PM): and it was from a director that he liked a previous movie of....
quackmanquackman (1:49:13 PM): Then when the first gayness happened in hte movie.....
quackmanquackman (1:49:21 PM): ian started complaining, mumbling about fags
quackmanquackman (1:49:28 PM): and put his hat over his face for most of the rest of the movie
quackmanquackman (1:49:53 PM): he laughed during all the innapropriate times, then was pissed that we tricked him into seeing it like a baby afterwards. "STUPID FAG MOVIE"
doctor doom x1x1 (1:50:47 PM): lol

For any Ian apologists: jennyjenjen77 (5:11:53 PM): i know you hate ian and he acts like a shithead & stuf but you guys are so mean to him
quackmanquackman (5:12:07 PM): The jokes arise from waht he says
jennyjenjen77 (5:12:42 PM): i dont know, i feel bad for him
quackmanquackman (5:12:43 PM): Have you really BEEN around him for an extended period of time, and around certain people? He's a despicable, horrible person
quackmanquackman (5:12:49 PM): He brings it upon himself
quackmanquackman (5:13:01 PM): we try to make him realize what he says/does is inarguably wrong
quackmanquackman (5:13:04 PM): but he goes right ahead
quackmanquackman (5:13:08 PM): and tries to hammer it in to all of us
jennyjenjen77 (5:13:09 PM): yeah, but you're doing the same asshole shit to him
quackmanquackman (5:13:20 PM): He brings it upon himself.
jennyjenjen77 (5:13:48 PM): yeah but you trying to change him isnt oghnna do shit you're justr gonna make ihm angrier than hes gonna keep doing stupid shit
quackmanquackman (5:13:55 PM): It's eitehr that or I can't stand him.....
quackmanquackman (5:13:57 PM): and he has no friends
quackmanquackman (5:14:00 PM): and he has noone to be with
quackmanquackman (5:14:04 PM): I can't helpb ut get SO ANGRY
quackmanquackman (5:14:05 PM): at him
quackmanquackman (5:14:07 PM): when I hang out wtihhim
quackmanquackman (5:14:13 PM): but it is funny enough that i also enjoy him
jennyjenjen77 (5:14:17 PM): then why even bother it doesnt make sense
quackmanquackman (5:14:18 PM): but god, he is so awful
jennyjenjen77 (5:14:25 PM): why do you hang out
quackmanquackman (5:14:26 PM): quackmanquackman (5:14:13 PM): but it is funny enough that i also enjoy him
quackmanquackman (5:14:29 PM): same with
quackmanquackman (5:14:31 PM): all the others
quackmanquackman (5:14:34 PM): that are liek this
quackmanquackman (5:14:35 PM): tohim
jennyjenjen77 (5:15:02 PM): i dont know maybe if you try not acting like a dick & stuff hed be nice and show you a good side or something or other because im sure all this is doing is pissing him off even more
quackmanquackman (5:15:04 PM): That's why ian keeps coming back, he has no one else. in highschool he's so terrible he gets kicked out of all his lunch tables, that's why he came to mine in the middle of the year
jennyjenjen77 (5:15:06 PM): amking him more of a dick than ever
quackmanquackman (5:15:11 PM): we TRIED in the beginning
quackmanquackman (5:15:16 PM): back when I was his "only friend"
quackmanquackman (5:15:34 PM): That's why his parents FORCED him to go to military college
quackmanquackman (5:15:43 PM): HariKariKing (5:14:37 PM): "ians the most despicable, selfish person ive ever met"
HariKariKing (5:14:40 PM): ~joanna kelly
jennyjenjen77 (5:16:48 PM): i understand
jennyjenjen77 (5:17:04 PM): but i donmt know, i feel shitty
quackmanquackman (5:17:05 PM): so you suggest that it would be better for me to just cut him off?
quackmanquackman (5:17:17 PM): You see, i feel bad, or at least used to
quackmanquackman (5:17:19 PM): so
quackmanquackman (5:17:20 PM): everytime
quackmanquackman (5:17:24 PM): I'd hang out wtih him anew
quackmanquackman (5:17:28 PM): I'd start out telling msyelf
quackmanquackman (5:17:32 PM): "dont' maek fun of him"
jennyjenjen77 (5:17:35 PM): well if you hate him and you have nothing good about him to do with then i dont see why even if you enjoy it for amusement
jennyjenjen77 (5:17:41 PM): people arent for amusement
jennyjenjen77 (5:17:47 PM): at least i'd feel sghitty if you trated me that way
quackmanquackman (5:17:57 PM): but he does douschebag thing after douschebag thing that he invites it
quackmanquackman (5:18:03 PM): It's not that i keep asking him to hang out for amusement
quackmanquackman (5:18:07 PM): he keeps coming back for more
quackmanquackman (5:18:22 PM): and bringing more of his disgusting dirty habits/beliefs that he insists on belting out to everyone
jennyjenjen77 (5:18:26 PM): tahts al ittle masochistic
quackmanquackman (5:19:44 PM): I really dont' understand him quite fully..... but this is just the way it always turns out
jennyjenjen77 signed on at 5:19:59 PM.
quackmanquackman (5:20:06 PM): I'd feel bad too if I just "left him"
quackmanquackman (5:20:16 PM): so I figure Ill keep hanging out wtih him as long as he wants
quackmanquackman (5:27:15 PM): where did you go, yuo kind of got me thinking a little bit.....
Ok, obvkously making fun of someone is bad..
But if I dont' do that, i cannot ABSOTELY cannot stand to be with such a horrible person. So then I would just stop hanging out with him. But when I think about that.... images from the past come into my mind- ian apologizing profusely to me whenever he thinks I've "had it" with him..... him asking to hang out wtih me constantly.....
He's got no other friends, he keeps on coming back to us....
So I dont' konw hwat to do.
jennyjenjen77 (6:38:33 PM): shrug

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