I...I don't feel too bad today! Really! ...I was mad with him for not listening to me, and I know he didn't mean to and it was the curse's fault, and he was just trying to help me rest. So I can't stay mad at him or let him know I don't feel well! I-I think the hot chocolate helped a lot! See? I'm al--aaa---aa---
Ugh...okay...so maybe I feel a little sick. But it's not too bad! Really! I'm sure I'll be better in just--just a--aaa--ACHOO!
Ooooohhh....I was supposed to go to the pet store with Fakir today, too! Why do I have to feel so baaaaaaad?
((OOC: So
Fakir mistook the Fountain for his bed because of the curse and forced Ahiru to lay down in it for a few hours. Ironically, in an attempt to make sure that she'd get some rest. ...I'm having a deja vu moment. Now Ahiru's sick with a cold and it's all Fakir's fault. =D Not nearly as dramatic as what happened to the Chrono Crusade crew, but OH WELL