Oct 09, 2006 18:38
I mean like WTF
maybe I should stop drinking if this kiind of shit is gonna go down
like thats a huge part my fault
if I hadnt passed out in my own vomit naked, then she would never have to get hurt
I should stop this
stop with all these "hook-ups"
just stop
its getting rediculous
I cant even remember though, theres a blur of Jake
soybean= animal feed
UGH- like why does this happen to me? plenty of girls pass out drunk somewhere and no touches them- theyre allowed to sleep
FUCK! its not like im even hott or something; like if i was banging like his gf then maybe Id understand but sersly me means no limitations
that the kid we saw at 2 am is here
hes alright looking; one of the 4 boys in this gina fest of 30 kids
I should get a boyfriend; that would keep me in conrtol
Matt Bourque? yeah right, he wouldnt, no one would, oh well, who fucking cares
Im such a whore! I hate this- I dont know what to do/ think
should I pay attention?
pay more attention= dont get raped
I should be able to feel safe though drinking with my friends, I shouldnt have to worry someone with with a gf taking advantage of me- I should be ok, it should be carefree when drunk with my peeps
I hate peeps- theyre too much like fluff
PB+ fluff is gross
I love PB+J though
PB sandwich when stoned= heaven
Pat Braz is hott- hooked up with him a couple times, thanks to Al; she really knows the crucial moments to flip hair haha...no lie
Fuck him- I hope he doesnt come to blaze tonight- that was a jerk move- I hate cheating
Dad and Mom ...they arnt even alive anymore, they only fight, theyre trapped
thats the problem...I dont want to be trapped
thats why Im too concerned with pleasing people when i date them-Im never happy
I need a good bf- a nice one- who really likes me
Betty and Mark are convinced that all boys like me-WRONGO they can be so gay, if only they knew
I hate knowing
I love playing with my hair; everyone always asks why i twirl it- who really cares why?
theres a ringing in my ear, the left one...ok its gone
I cant wait to sky-dive; I picture a moment of clarity, prob not, I wish, I need one
knowing mkaes you too curious- like you need to know MORE-UGH
25 min
blaze tonight...2 grms
I need money
KC meeting tonight
Bryant's cute, so is my old teach, how weird is that?! Freshman year and he remems me- WILD
I hope theres pizza there
oh, school, hahah
theres writing on my leg
cows are not cool professor
hair twril on lip means:
3.thinking about something
5.listining intently
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, I would love a guy to know my different smiles/ hair twirls in my case
orange shorts- paint on them, painting fh boards with Matt and Dylan
pizza sundays, two guys, a girl , and a panis place; they are like some of the only people who know the real me, I cant people in; that why I like camp so much, I gat to be my real self- I am never worried with what people think
I like my bangs; the way they sweep across my eye, looks cool or gay? dont care; Im haggard either way; Alli did a good job though
prom- Alli so drunk, talking to my mum about me and Ben
why do I keep think about him? gay
fish; vagina; pink stank; Ben + Jerrys
I want to play pong right now, right fucking now; Nelson's place tonight? hope so
Ben Marshall is really funny- I think might crush on that shit; nope; they dont even like me; they prob think Im annoying, or too quite- like Matt thinks;havnet hit that in a while
chili+ sea bass; bass- I wanna learn; Matt B; JATPP-next show-Angus playing; Tim Harrrington; harmonica; Ben's house; huka; smoking; sex; sleep; yelling; sconses; Matt B; soccor; Joe Ford and Matt B; red card; Mrs.B's food; hot tub; ice cream; making out; bathing suits;stars; steaming;bathrobe; peace
Marco;jerk;Dylan;Skippy;Pb;Pat Braz;hook up in car;Ben;bear;dolphins;Alli;diaper;crazy funny ;random;Jackie B;Jake;Mattb;Dan B;Clare;skinny;goofy;Julia;braces;Lee;hott;Kevin;sky-dive; Saturday;applefest;Jake;Jackie B;Matt B;Allis tattoo;my tattoo;love it;red feather;does it look gay to people who dont know what it means?
7 min left;7th heaven
ya know when you like see yourself outside your own body? I picture myself a lot hotter then I am-no good-cocky-snob-snot-nose-breath smoke out nose to get more stoned-Alli-dumpster-woods-night time-no sleep-cricles undermy eyes-bad skin tone- BUNK-so why would he do that? I look haggard
masterbation is easier-he could picture a hott girl-porn-Ben-Mervdog-Jackie Bink-fh-coach-tie NDA-Liz Welch-used to be cooler-change her back-Matt B
2 min left