(no subject)

Jan 17, 2006 19:46

steve started to act the way he did 4 years ago
those of you who know how he was..know what im talking about.
i dont want to go through that again.
EVERRRRR again..

i had my interview at intersearch today.
annnd i start training saturday at 8..in the morning.
ohhhits gonna be bunches of fun;]

i woke up this morning and couldnt breathe.
whenever i would move it would start to shake
i couldnt concentrate..my vision would get all blury and then i couldnt see..or hear..
and whenever id try to walk everything would go all crazy and i felt like i was spinning around.
honestly..it was the scariest thing..ive ever gone through.
and then my heart started hurting..
like actually hurting
what if something is actually wrong with me..=[

--->on the other hand.
my boyfriend is the most incredible thing alive♥
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