Silver Berch Against a Sweedish Sky

Jan 23, 2011 00:05

I'm in an introverted mood right now. I just got through cleaning the CP apartment kitchen and dining room in a big way. It may literally be sparkling. And let me tell ya, it was a gross mess. The table turned a whole new color when I wiped it down, and I discovered a half preserved raptor skeleton. So that was interesting. I basically deep cleaned everything and reorganized all their food and random nick knacks they had strewn everywhere. Why, may you ask was I being such a good little house wife? Well I was just in one of those moods.

I had a lot on my mind and oddly enough I find washing dishes and organizing things slightly cathartic. And it did help, I think I like the sound of the running water and the warmth of it. I'm just so deep and emotional an edgy and underground.

So much has changed in my life. I was talking with God the other day and just telling him how lonely I've been feeling, and asking him for direction and peace. And suddenly I just got the sense that everything was going to be all right. He showed me that trials I go through is just LIFE, and ways he uses to turn me into the man He wants me to be. Its funny how you can be surprised by truth you've known for years. Its odd... but anwyays. Yeah, everything is going to be all right. Because I want what Jesus wants for me, golly I want that so much.

Everything's going to be OK. And that's the hope we have! Its beautiful, get excited about it!

Goodnight :)
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