So, I finally broke down and made a few requests on the kinkmeme. One was for John tapping away at his blog while Sherlock leaned up against the desk, a la Schroeder and Lucy from Peanuts.
why did i not know jeff goldblum was starring in law and order: criminal intent? i mean seriously, how did something that awesome escape my notice for so long?
via stoplookingup - monty python reunites!and, if i were anywhere near nyc the day before my birthday, i would be terrifically excited. as it is, i shall defer my squee until such time as video of the event becomes available
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what they don't say there, but they do on their website, is that they're inviting anyone who can play to come and join them in a massive rendition of 'the ode to joy
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on friday, i finally picked up my ukulele from the music shop. they've been extremely kind to me in regards to my layaway; letting me keep it on hold for almost six months. anyway, i finally brought it home, and
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