Nov 18, 2009 12:31
miyuki is learning to whisper. and she's damn near got it down pat, too...this morning i caught her looking at me oddly with those big blue-gray eyes, and i asked her what was up. her 'mrow' was barely audible...and then it turned into a sort of 'mrooooooooOOOOOOOW?' because it was interrupted by a yawn, but still...when it started out it was the closest thing i've ever heard to a whisper coming out of a cat's mouth.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
i'm guessing she learned to do this from me being annoying at her: ever since she was a kitten i'd see how quietly i could whisper her name before her ear twitched, or she looked around at me and meowed. when she did, i'd waggle my fingers at her - our sign for 'you gonna get petted' - and take a step towards her. i'd whisper again, slightly louder, and when she meowed back i'd take another step closer. this generally goes on until i've got her full attention and her tail is thrashing like mad with anticipation, waiting for the petting, and finally when she can't stand it anymore i pounce and give her scritchies all over.
as she gets older she's picked up on how the game works, and she'll try to answer me as quietly as she can at first, her voice getting progressively louder as mine does. and lately she's started trying to whisper herself to see if that'll make me start up the game. sometimes i see her whiskers twitch but don't hear any sound, but this morning i believe she actually made it to a whisper.
so it's official. my cat is now a Q-whisperer.
teh cute,