Dec 20, 2016 09:31
Friday night was my work holiday party. It was a lot of fun. We did a potluck, where everyone brought something. One of the MHT's brought delicious, delicious chicken wings that were *amazing*. We all brought gifts for a white elephant exchange. I brought a bottle of pink Moscato wine, and a set of sombrero shot glasses. They were a hit, lol. Hubby and I ended up with a Snickers mug and a stuffed moose with a Target gift card. Then we sang Chrismas carols. In fact, one of the PSTs and her husband tried to leave early, and one of the other PSTs made them sing before they could go. I laughed a lot that night. One of the other PSTs pulled out a ukulele, and we all sang "I Want a Hippotamus for Christmas."
Saturday night was my big friend Christmas party. God, it was freezing that day. And we were running around like crazy. We went to see Star Wars: Rogue One, then ran a couple of errands before the party, and drove to the party. It was a crazy day. I was exhausted before we even got to the party. ^_^; But it was still fun. We all brought presents for one another, and the party was held at Saturn's house. They made taco soup and lasagna (for me and one of their other roommates who can't eat spicy either.) We had mulled cider and several different kinds of wine. I tried a very nice white wine. It was fun, just hanging out. Plus I got baby time with Neptune's wee one. :-) She is so cute! She liked playing pony ride, where you bounce her on your knees. She thought that was the funniest thing ever, lol. We opened presents. I got a really pretty pink and white scarf, a Sailor Moon bow, some doll clothes (including an adorable pair of stockings with kitties on them!) some gift cards, a homemade doll rosary, and an IOU for a pair of angel wings for my doll. (My friends and I are into the BJD hobby from Asia. It stands for Ball-Jointed Dolls. These things are freakin' gorgeous! They're also really customizable, where you can choose skin color, make-up color, eye color, get wigs, clothing, accessories, etc for them. In fact, two people could get the same doll model, and end up with a completely different doll.) After the boys finished divvying up Magic cards (their Christmas present), the party kind of wound down. Hubby and I left, because, as was stated in my posts yesterday, I wasn't really feeling mentally well.
Sunday afternoon was my grandma's 80th birthday party. She's so funny. She couldn't believe that we were doing all that just for her. And everyone was there: both her daughters, her son, their spouses, and all of her grandchildren and their spouses. As I said earlier, I got more baby time with my cousin B, who is a cuddly bear. They ended up watching the Patriots vs Broncos game, which I was *not* happy with. (Football, ugh!) But I always enjoy spending time with my family, especially my mom and brother. I also had a nice conversation with my aunt about infertility. She struggled with it too, and ultimately ended up not being able to have kids. So there really is no one better to talk to about it. She understands in a way that no one else does. It was a nice night, though I struggled. Honestly, I struggled through all of the parties this weekend. For one thing, three parties is not easy when you're an introvert, even when you enjoy the company. Which I do. There wasn't a single time this weekend where I dreaded going to the parties, since I love my co-workers, my friends, and my family. It's just hard, especially when I know there is something wrong with my body, in particularly my brain.
Overall, though, the weekend was good.