Nov 30, 2004 20:49
So Pooja and I were talking, and she made this list called "Call for Reform!". We decided we are going to follow this strictly.
I’m not getting enough sleep so I’m getting sick. How to change that:
Get to bed at a decent time every day (around 11). How to do that:
Stop wasting time with moronic AIM. Come home, exercise, get to work. Don’t study for tests last minute and don’t fall asleep while studying. How to do that:
Pretend that every test is a day/two days before it actually is. Purpose of that:
I will have studied ahead of time so the night before the test I can sleep and be well rested. I’ve fallen asleep during way too many tests.
I will be well prepared so I can ask the teachers questions that I don’t understand after studying and trying to understand. It will be a day used for brushing up.
Pay afreakingttention in class, so I don’t have to take more time to learn the stuff I missed in class. I don’t understand things this way. How to do that:
DON’T be SLEEPY in class. How to do that: well. This stuff is circular. See above.
GET GRADES UP! How to do that:
Once again, it relates to the above. I repeat: circular stuff.
Keep my room clean. Dirty room = bad aura, and I get really frustrated with a cluttered room. Effect of this:
Less frustration, respect from mother, better environment to study in.
Organize random drawers and closet and under my bed. Why?
DON’t hide the dirt, excavate it and clean it up. Hidden things are unfindable and a mess in hidden places is like fakeness: Clean on the outside, dirty on the inside.
Yeah, this may sound superficial, but I am sick of the way I look. I feel bad when I look in the mirror and I want to start feeling better about myself. How to do this:
Well, I am getting massive, I can’t wear many things anymore because I look horribly overweight [for my body structure: I’m small built and any weight I put on is obvious]. So, I need to do two things:
Work out like crazy after school.
Go on a diet: a healthy diet.
Well, I don’t really take care of myself. Yeah duh I shower and put eyeliner on but that’s it. I look like a monkey every day to school. I need to start watching what I wear and like put lotion on and do my hair or something.
Start going to meetings in school! I’m so slacking on that. Oh, not just go to the meetings, do the activities too.