Back out in the world, so far.

Aug 09, 2013 17:48

This was an OK week. Still very groggy and low energy, but Thursday night I went out to a Harry Potter fan meetup group anyway. I figured, if I feel worse afterwards that's a problem, but if I still feel normal ick-levels than what's the point of staying home? I forgot to pack a dinner, so had to stop off somewhere for a gf/df meal, and that was annoying. And the burger seemed to make me dizzy after, too much noms? Carb crash? I dunno.

Once I got to the meetup location it was OK. I talked to some ppl, made a couple of new friends, it was nice. Well, except for the most brutal game of Potterverse-themed pictionary I've ever seen, which was alternatively obnoxious and boring, but that didn't last all evening. And the event-runners assured me that usually their gatherings are just meet-n-greet instead of loud and aggressive party games. Met some interesting new ppl, got a free printing of a webcomic, was OK :-) Nice low-energy social gathering.

Felt a bit more energy by the time I got home actually, but again in that 'I'm finally awake and its bedtime' way. Ooops. And I'm really crashing out today, but that's kinda normal for Friday. Analysis- going out will not break me. I will *try* for Browncoats on Saturday, but the reason the Potter gathering works so well is that its on a weeknight, after I'm already out of the house. Any weekend stuff is tough, b/c once my fatigued butt is settled in the apartment it's really difficult to pry it loose until Monday.

Like I said, crashing today. Was planning to drag a friend the Rubin tonite (free 6pm-10pm on Fridays) but now I don't think I'll be up for the walking and standing around. Maybe I need to limit myself to one social gathering per week (*usually* HP is on the first Thursday, and Browncoats on the second Saturday, so those won't coincide every month). But also pledge to attend one social gathering per week.

My tummy continues to embrace torture techniques that are the polar opposite to what I used to have to deal with all the time. And b/c of the brainfog I keep forgetting to call the new GI. Looking online for help, it seems I have two main non-drug options. 1) More fiber, but I already know that's reeeeally bad for my system. 2) More fat. This one is intriguing, and I think I will play with it.

I already have an arsenal of less-terrible fats in my pantry, Ima see what I can do with them. I'm not sure if going to CC and buying a bunch of bacon and my favorite fatty gourmet lunchmeats will help tho, physically or financially. I'll check the budget, but that may have to wait until next month. On the other hand, I'm still too tired to cook anyway, so bacon is less helpful. I'm also considering trying more protein, less carbs, but the same low amount of veggies for next week.

Was wondering this week if I'm feeling so cruddy b/c of letting grain-carbs and soy oil back into my diet. Then I remembered that I felt the same amount of cruddy when I didn't eat any of these things. So... I dunno.

Another idea, trying to split up my 18oz lunches into smaller meals and spacing them out more around the work day. So long as I don't miss my circ shifts, I should be OK. And I got some extra plastic containers anyway to restock. Will try to plot that out this weekend and try it for next week. I got the idea from reading about reactive hypoglycemia. Maybe I'm alternating btw being too hungry between meals, and then crashing from too-much-food-at-once every day?

Our part time student employee is graduating and leaving us after this summer, so she very sweetly gifted us with a box of french macarons to say goodbye and thanx for all the books. D'aww. I emailed the bakery to make sure they were gf, and yay! They are.

However, like the last time I tried them back in the early days of CFS, they make me dizzy. I can eat egg whites, sugar, and almonds separately without falling over, so I'm not sure what's up with that. It may be the almonds, b/c I tend to have problems with the un-roasted kind, and it doesn't look like roasting is part of making almond flour. And macaron are baked very gently, so that probably wouldn't be enough to break down whatever's in them that messes me up.

I'd still like to try making them at home (esp now that I know how they're supposed to turn out) and see if it's some kind of standard-professional-baking-ingredient or somethin. I wonder if it's like a drink mixer that gets you drunker, faster. The combo is making the sugar hit my brain faster/stranger than it usually would. Tho it seems I can have meringues with no problem. Well, without *this* problem. Hmm.

Food, when did you get so weird? Harumph.

Another possible reason for my crashing out for the last two weeks may be my crafty projects. I was OK, in fact better than usual, when I was sewing the costume b/c I stuck to one hour sewing sessions. But the polymer clay put me into a clay-hole for hours and hours at a time for the last two weekends. I worry about leaving unfinished clay work out between craft marathons. It doesn't air dry, but my apartment and I are both accident prone, and things can get squished. I'll have to figure out a way to make it 1-hr compliant if I want to keep working with it :-/ It could also be a fumes thing, but honestly the fumes weren't that bad this time. Unless my sinuses/olfactory senses are on the fritz.

Weekend plans include mebbe Browncoats, and my usual chores. Not sure if I'll be working on crafty stuff, given recent crashing out.

I really want to start sewing something, but fabric cutting is yet another marathon. On the other hand, for the Doom Coat I'll be cutting out the lining and sewing it together to test fit before I even cut the outer layer, so maybe that will make it less strenuous. I'm a little worried that I don't have the right interfacing tho, and really don't want to do more shopping. Mebbe I can double up the medium interfacing? *shrugs* Won't have to worry until I actually cut the velveteen. Looking at the pattern, the outer layer and lining are not all exactly the same shape, but I can still wing it. I think. Eeep.

A bunch of sewing/costuming bloggers I read just came back from an event called "Costume College" (out of my price range, but looks fun) with lots of pics of fancy historical costuming, so the Regency costume project is jumping out at me again. However, that one will take a while longer to complete (b/c fidgety details) so the Doom Coat is still next. Even if I got the Regency project *mostly* finished before starting DC, that's would still be annoying. I have enough "UFOs" haunting me right now :-P

In other news, it is SOOOOO NICE that I don't have to worry anymore about my costume. OMG. Well, except for getting it there. Otherwise, no worries :-) Yaaay no last minute craziness. And only three weeks to go! :-D

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth,

geek, reactivehypoglycemia, stomach, sewing, clay, socialneeds, fatigue, hoursessions, lifehacks, food

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