All sewn up with no place to go.

Jun 21, 2013 17:16

Yay! I am awake today! This is amazing! Not quite as good as last week (before the late nite phone spam) but better than earlier this week. Also, today I got the barest hint of migraine this morning before it went away on its own. Woot. (Have had to take migraine meds Weds & Thurs, not woot. What is it about June that makes my head hurt???)

Noticeable factors: Over the weekend I went to CC and picked up a variety of GF snacks (not nec paleo). Since Saturday I'd been snacking on 'veggie chips', which include corn but also do that veggie puree thing. Wednesday I switched back to corn chips, Thursday & Friday are noticeably better. So apparently corn chips are magical. Or something. Yesterday I stopped by the overpriced local shop to get organic corn chips, and they're not giving me a tummy ache like they used to. So yay, I can at least have the organic version of a thing that probably isn't very good for me, but is still having an oddly beneficial side effect. *shrugs*

I've also been sewing, but only an hour on Wednesday, and about 40 mins on Thursday nite, as measured with my oven timer. A bit less on Thursday b/c of online fabric shopping. On Wednesday it seemed to help the migraine (so focus is less bad for me than things-that-glow, like pc screens).

I think this is a good idea. I'm still a bit tense about the fact that there's an unfinished project at home (why don't I feel this way about jewelry?), but while I'm working I'm not feeling stressed out, and I'm not making tons of work-adding mistakes. So this may be the way to go indefinitely. On the weekend, I may still do 3-4 hours, but maybe just in one hour bursts, spaced out by other things like chores and tv.

I'm done with the main outer bodice of the jacket, next is collar and sleeves I think. Ima skip the ruffles on this one, since it's mostly just to figure out if the lining idea works, and if it needs interfacing after all. So far it looks wide enough to accommodate my butt, but I suspect it might need to be shortened in the waist to make it a proper angled fit. But there are guidelines on the pattern pieces themselves for doing that, so yay no drafting. Won't know for sure until its all done tho. The fabric is really pretty too, glad I found a use for it after abandoning the previous project (did not need more than one gigantic circle skirt, kthnx).

And I did order all-the-linings online, b/c the nice cotton broadcloth was on sale, and I had a coupon for free shipping over $50. So even if it's just for a few hours a week, Ima finish more sewing projects. And hopefully need less space for fabric. Except fabric sales. Darnit.

Next will probably be the Doom Coat, b/c I *wont* need it for DCon, so I won't feel compelled to finish it by then. But it may be nice to have by October. And I've ordered some nice dark red cotton for the lining now. And the 10 ft bolt of black velveteen in the closet is F'ING ANNOYING. Will probably make the lining first, b/c non-fits in the lining can be more easily fixed than ordering 10 more yards of black velveteen.

There is also, ironically, a cropped red velveteen jacket that I ordered a black cotton lining for, from a Victorian recreationish pattern. I'd like to try embroidering the back with the decorative stitches my machine has, but would need to practice first. Actually, I'm also thinking of embroidering sigils into the Doom Coat's *lining*, for reasons.

And I have more projects after that which are completely purchased-for in materials, I just have to f'ing sew them already. If I'm too zapped to write of make shinies, I may as well sew *at a slow even pace*. On the other hand, I'm not sure I go to enough events to justify making myself more fancy-ish clothing. Is it better to clutter the fabric bin, or my closet?

I also almost purchased more satiny fabric for a test run of the Washu jacket. Until I realized the Washu jacket fabric was cheaper than what was on sale that day. And there are already so many other things to work on. However, I may use the former-lining from the Doom Coat project for that. Less silky, but potentially just as annoying to pin, hooray?

I forgot to order buttons for some things, but I may already have suitable notions from other abandoned projects. If not, I hope I can do MJ Trimmings with a list/budget and not destroy my budget. I managed to decrease my fabric bill a bit by noticing similar fabrics with slightly lower prices. And then the beads I wanted were all out of stock, drat. And this is going slowly enough that I probably won't need those buttons until July when my financial karma resets. I'm over budget again this month, so no more fun things for the next week. Not a big deal.

Will also try to be a bit more careful with grocery budget for the rest of the month, but given my over-stocked pantry (which is more or less the result of grocery budget overspending), I can stick with my idea of getting a big package of organic ground beef from CC, and turning half into chili and half into meatloaf. And that may well last two weeks. And I will need the extra iron next week (:-P). Just need the beef, eggs, and a few onions.

Speaking of CC, they apparently have a GF (and sulfate F and some other stuff) shampoo & conditioner as part of their house brand. So that's both surprising & convenient. Am running out of my current brand, so I will not get clutter-guilt. Aside from that, no more $$ in budget for fancy gf vanity-care products this month. Not that CC is all that fancy. Will look for a new leave in conditioner next month, since I don't like my old one anyway.

Also this weekend, another attempt at df ice cream (with more expensive coconut milk, and a full recipe portion of ... batter?), and some brownie experiments. B/c I'll need brownies for DCon if I want to survive.

I've also gone all week without my usual morning banana bread, and that's not fun. The bannanas I bought on Saturday at CC were green, and were still green on Thursday morning. So i put them in the veggie bin in the fridge that morning, and still green after work. Super freak mutant bananas wtf. But there's enough bananas for two loaves, so might go with that if they ever ripen.

On Tuesday I went for needling, and told my needler that I wanted to take July off. B/c a) want to save some extra cash for DCon, b) not sure if acupuncture is really working as well as it used to, and c) I can always get back to needling in August before DCon. If I turn out to be wrong about b, I can always call them and set up another appointment. She totally understood. I asked if I might be building up a tolerance to needling, or if my physical problems are more-fixed so now its the mental/habits problems that need more work. She thinks more likely the latter than the former. But we'll see. Definitely going to be a bit more social in the next 6 weeks, we'll see if that shakes anything else loose in my headmeats. Much as I like my needler, my budget is a bit strained these days, even when I'm not buying fabric.

Also, a DCon friend has offered me a Reiki boost while we're there. Still very Reiki curious, but my attempt at going to the 'student practice session' failed b/c Hurricane Sandy. And then I just got distracted. *shrugs*

I'll probably put off all the grocery shopping (which isn't really that much) until tomorrow, b/c this evening a friend is in town and we might go hang out for a little while wit another friend. Possibly with fancy GF french macaroons. Which I probably won't try baking myself this weekend, since I'm doing other kitchen stuff. But some day, macaron. You too, meringue. Tho the last time I had macaron I got super dizzy, so today we'll see if that was a fluke or if almond flour hates my brain (I use almond *butter* in banana bread & brownies). A lot of gf-baking mommy bloggers are against almond flour, but I don't remember why. *shrugs*

I think I'm more or less off the strict paleo thing now, if that wasn't clear before. I can't keep up strictly with a crazy-rich-ppl diet. I'll happily use their recipes, but with ingredients and equipment that I can actually afford.

And don't get me started about "OMG THIS RECIPE IS TOTES PALEO EVEN THO I FRIED OR BAKED EVERYTHING IN EXPENSIVE BUTTER NOW BUY MY COOKBOOK!" *sigh* Luckily I can usually sub in bacon fat or coconut oil when something needs a room-temp-solid fat. But when they're using full fat cow cream to make ice cream... wtf.

Mind you, todays macarons will probably have dairy in them, but at least the pills fix the tummy ache problem, and it doesn't mess me up for days like gluten (or we'll find out today). The shop also isn't claiming to be Paleo :-P

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth,

hermit, paleo, finance, dragoncon, gluten, sewing, friends, migraines, baking, shopping, mane, acupuncture, food

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