Today's ick belies yesterday's awesome.

May 28, 2013 17:57

Today's been... weird. I'm back up to a '2' now, but at the beginning of the day and before lunch I was all the way down to '1' as in "Should I use a sick day? No, not actually symptomatic of anything. *SIGH*" Low energy, high brainfog, and an annoying behind-the-eyes headache (migraine?) all day.

I went to bed at 11pm-ish, and my alarm went off at 7:30am. But at 5am some random noises woke me up for a while. Eventually I got back to sleep, but by 7:30 I was in a very intense kind of dream cycle, so I felt all kinds of f'ed up when the alarm went off. This morning it felt like I hadn't slept at all, except that I think I got about 7 or 8 hours at least. Srsly? I wonder if I'd be feeling better if I'd just gotten up at 5am. Wth, brain? But this doesn't happen when I wake up at 4am and fall right back to sleep. On the other hand, a rainstorm also rolled in today (did I feel it before I could see it? meh, this is not a superpower I want), and I'm definitely in the PMS sector of my calendar. So Ima cross my fingers for sleep tonite and see what happens :-P

And this is all a huge shame, b/c all weekend I was AMAZING at being functional and productive. OMG.

*First, I CLEANED THE BALCONY! OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11ONE
B/c Saturday was the perfect weather for it. The task was still pretty physically taxing (my thighs and lower back still feel strained, eek), but not nearly as f'ing colossal as my anxieties told me it was. So maybe the real triumph was telling my brain to stfu. I threw out the stuff that was getting trashed, scrubbed, rinsed, and wiped up the floor, and then put out a couple of new things. One 'folding' cafe table (that doesn't seem able/willing to fold back up once assembled, thanx ikea :-P), and a 'boot tray' that I've placed under the a/c unit to catch drips. I think I worked for two hours all together, with a 30 minute break in the middle, and done. Next I really need to put up the anti-creeper curtain on the right side of my space. But a standard sized shower curtain fits perfectly, so I just have to figure out what to use to glue the hooks to the rail of the screen (and not to the permanent co-opy bits). Was going to hang out in my nice space on Monday, but, um, creeper had the same idea. *sigh* need that curtain. I have some other decorations lined up too, but I want to seal them with acrylic-something first.

And then I kinda spazzed out for the rest of Saturday. No, wait, I helped my friend pick up his new tv, and by 'help' I mean 'held open doors' for him. He had good input on why I could still smell bleach, despite being away from my bleached balcony for hours, and that also put my brain at ease. And then he gave me gf bread to take home b/c he didn't want it, and I've forgotten what to do with bread. Whups. Still plenty of spazzing.

*Next, I sewed lots of things! Sunday I wanted to be productive, but not *that* productive, so I put off the normal chores and started working on the pile of store bought clothes that didn't fit me. Yay alterations! Now, more shirts & tanks fit me, plus the new cheap dresses I got last week, and I could put them away instead of letting them sit in a heap on my sewing table. I also FINALLY altered my geek-patch shirt. First I decided to just crop it at the waist. Then I thought, "But I could *try* to re-attatch the cut-off part in a more flattering way, like a peplum or something." And that proved ridiculously complicated. So, back to cropped. Still plenty of room for more patches, but sadly 2 of 4 large pockets was on the cut-off part. So will keep it in my supplies bin in case I feel inspired again in the future. Wore it around the house for a while, I don't think this shirt have *ever* been so comfy to wear. Win!

And apparently, the easiest way to deal with 'swayback' is to crop the not-right garment. Good to know for the future.

*And then, all the normal chores. Laundry (which I'll have to do more of next weekend, cuz I let it pile up *that* long) Sunday nite, cooking and other every-weekend things on Monday. Also washed the balcony windows using 50/50 water & vinegar, and that worked really well. Far less upsetting to my senses than bleach. Now that the balcony is screened in, it shouldn't need *disinfecting* evar again. I hope. Eeek.

In cooking experiments, I tried the weird spices from my last meatball attempt in a meatloaf, and its a bit better. Until I microwave it, then it dries out. Well, them. I used a costco sized purchase of organic ground beef, and extra onions, so there was enough for two meatloafs at once. I wasn't sure if they were cooked enough at first, b/c while they'd separated from the sides of the pan and let off a lot of juice, some inside bits were still bright red. Then I realized, oh duh, the spice blend is red too. I also didn't chop the onions fine enough (I think?), so it probably didn't mix that well. And the disposable pans I found in my pantry were extra long for some reason. So not a total fail, but could use some tweaking. On the other hand, now I have enough meatloaf for at least two weeks of lunches, so that's less cooking/shopping to do next weekend, yay. This was also a paleo meatloaf, so eggs but no flour. I'm starting to think the flour is what holds onto more of the moisture, but I'm not an expert on meatloaf construction. Next time, almond flour?

There were a few dessert type things I wanted to try out, but I saw my spoon supply and decided to leave it until next weekend. One is a kind of paleo-nutella. Omnomnom. Next weekend, maybe.

*I did manage to do all of my shopping-errands on Friday afternoon, but b/c I was shopping while hungry I ended up with a fridge full of CC deli meats (but GF & good until August, so that's less to buy later?) (wait, is this what bread is for?), and a tub of meringue cookies, which I then had to scour the internet to confirm as GF (other flavors of the brand aren't, but this one seems safe). I want to try baking them myself again, but I'm not sure if the weather will allow for that. I'm not sure if the cookies may be contributing to today's suckiness.

And between the sewing and the laundry... no more clothes. Oh dear gods no more. Tho I did order new Docs on Saturday, hopefully I get them, but I ordered them through Macy's so who knows :-P Also disappointing that none of my coupon codes applied to the Docs section of the online store, but at least I was able to use my gc. Eventually. Ugh, online store. Ordered the buckle-y Docs for a change in look. The laced ones won't get thrown out, I just can't wear them in the rain anymore once the non-holed boots show up. Or I might costume those up now that they've served their time.

Looking over the receipts in my email, I've had my old docs for 4 years, and it took about 3.5 years to wear holes in them. My friends assure me that those stats are still good for shoes in NYC, but two of those years I had CF, so ... I dunno. Maybe I just stomp and tromp too hard?

So after cleaning the balcony on Saturday (OMG YAY) I am still sore four days later. But after reading a blogpost about the wonders of magnesium I had picked up some epsom salts, and figured that achy Sunday nite would be a good time to try them out. My legs and back still hurt but I was more spaced out and happy-fuzzy after. At least I didn't feel worse? I *think* I slept a bit better, but its hard to remember right now. Definitely slept longer on Monday morning than I did on the other days. Srsly, I woke up at 9am on Sunday and couldn't really deal with that fact. I think that's what drove me to the sewing, internal confusion.

Also, my books from Amazon got dropped in the library mailbox Friday afternoon, so I got them this morning. Am trying out a book on the "Sedona Method" for my mental/emotional health. So far its mostly the author talking about how great he & his method are, and I'm having trouble concentrating b/c migraine, so... meh. I'm sure he'll get to something helpful eventually.

And for this week's tarot forecast:

Not sure if this is the beginning of new glory days, or being unable to let go of the old ones. Or, given that I just got a book on the Sedona Method, maybe its *about* letting go of the old glories to make way for new ones. Yay?

Still not sure about when I'm going to ease off on hermitting. Astrological omens seem good for getting back out in the world starting this weekend, but I still feel like I'm missing something. Actually, right now I just feel like I have a migraine, so I guess we'll see how I feel tomorrow. Oooow.

I have figured out many things, but according to my newish energy-gauge my levels have gone down pretty steadily. But I'm getting more stuff done too. I don't get it.

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth,

sedonamethod, books, hermit, paleo, chantry, mental health, sewing, tarot, photos, sleep, migraines, astrology, shopping, food

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