Feeling less awful today than I did last Monday. Probably b/c I slept better last night, and slept a ton on Sunday. It was a satisfyingly productive weekend- the basics plus a little extra, which turned out to be a lot more extra than I expected. But its done now, phew.
-All the regular chores. As an added bonus, the weather report sez this week will be warm enough for my lacy tops and frilly skirts again, so picking out my outfits was more fun than it has been.
-Went through the main clothes closet and purged most of my costumes. None are going to the give-away pile, just under-bed storage. If I need any for DCon there's plenty of time to iron and air them out again. Kept a couple in the closet just in case, but again, no planned gatherings until DCon. And my daily wear looks somewhat costumey to begin with. Tho a few pieces went into the "fabric to reuse later" bin due to bad sizing, or just lame garment. *shrugs* But yay for more space in the big closet! Yay!
-Sortof almost stuck to my grocery budget. It helped that CC somehow didn't have ziplock bags or Raid, so I was going to declare Saturday's trip a financial wash, but accidentally stuck to the original plan. *shrugs*
-Purged the fridge again, of all the cooking fails of the last few weeks. Didn't quite finish the freezer tho, next weekend I guess.
-Marathon of sleeps on Sunday. Slept from 1am to 1pm, then stopped for another nap around 3ish, I don't remember for how long. It was a little more difficult to fall asleep at night, but not so bad as it used to be. SLEEEPS.
-Took all the stuff that was sitting on top of the fridge as a former mouse hideaway and just threw it out. B/c tired of hearing noises that may be up there and thinking there's another incursion, even tho the traps haven't caught anything since July. Have not yet bleached the f#$% out of it, but I can clearly see there's nothing hiding up there now. Not sure if I'll use that area for storage again, but its (relatively speaking) sho much space.
-TAXES COMPLETE! The bizness stuff still took the longest, b/c as I discovered Sunday I had not actually kept a running tally of what I was spending in 2012 as it was happening. So it was a lot of going thru Paypal and Etsy records, on top of paper receipts, which I'm not sure I had complete. Blah. At least I had spreadsheets set up from previous years to start with, including spots I'd marked with "This # goes on this line of the tax form." After I compiled all of that it was pretty straight forward, except for the pdf tax forms that crashed. And my inability to find the tax table for the 1040 for about a half hour b/c pdf argh. But both federal and state govts owe me $$, so I'm just going to send them via mailbox instead of crazy line at post office. All the monies are going into the Roth IRA anyway, so its not like I need them for anything immediately.
Did not get around to all the extras I wanted, but at least the taxes are done, and I won't have to think about food or clothes again until next Saturday.
I like this temperature in NYC, but of course I forgot to go outside on my dinner break. Mebbe tomorrow. With a book, cuz I'm running out of travel-kit beads. Was also too warm for my trenchcoat this morning. Not sure if I should take the lining out yet, or if the weather will keep fluctuating. Grr weather. On the other hand, I can sit out at the circ desk in my light shirt without the giant cardi sweater, and it is nice. Feeling oddly exposed tho.
Actually, I feel a tad more relaxed now that its not f'ing freezing all the time. There was a moment Saturday night where I was listening to a goth muzic podcast, while having a frozen fruit smoothie, and just felt more like myself again. Not interested in going out, but just OK where I was. Maybe the hermitting (and excessive hyperfocus on teh sleeps) really is helping?
Next Saturday may be the great Day of Bleach, as I tackle kitchen, bathroom, and balcony. Which means I'd better get new cartridges for my super filtration mask. Thanx to last month's CC binging, I already have all the cleaning products I need. And then I can go about budgeting the things I need/want to make my outdoor space more habitable, and less easy to spy on by the creepy neighbor. Need some kitchen doodads too, and a new fan (old fan died suddenly in autumn).
The sugar situation is still under review. I didn't bake any sugary things this weekend, but after giving up on soy lecithin free chocolate I got a big bag of the dairy free stuff at CC. And binged ... a bit. I really needed it on Sunday tho, I had to do a year of bookkeeping and taxes, but all I wanted to do was go back to bed.
Still have to figure out a FMG order, but given my tendancy towards eye-area headaches these days I just haven't felt up to it. Especially as I want to order things with specific projects in mind this time, I really need to analyze that screen. I was going to make an order as a reward for doing my taxes, but after all those buggy pdfs my eyes were fried. And still kinda are. Luckily, I brought less messy beadwork to do on the circ desk tonite.
And given the amount of loss I saw in last year's bizness taxes, am even more comfy with the notion of not doing any more vending shows for a while. Will stick with teh internets for a while (tho I still haven't emailed the April event about my mind-change, darnit). Maybe I should ditch the extra cleaning for shinies next weekend. Or just try to do some when I'm bored Thursday night. Still not sure how to break out of the habit of not making stuff at home.
After frying my brain on taxes last nite, forgot to do my tarot forecast for the week. Maybe tonight or tomorrow if brainfog allows.
<3 Chrysilla
Crossposted from Dreamwidth,