Sweet relief... not quite yet.

Apr 04, 2013 17:07

Hermit-ing is going OK so far. Been very prone to headaches this week, since Sunday night was nightmare-y, but they've lightened up as I've gotten 8-8.5 hours of sleep each night. Wednesday evening I stopped by my acupuncturist's personal practice to pick up more of the herbal pills that worked before, but last time it took a full day's dosage (you take 8 tiny pills 3 times a day) to become effective. Been too brain fogged to remember to meditate, which is typically annoying for this situation.

Been more drowsy in the evenings lately, but I'm not sure if that's my body's way of fixing its circadian rhythms, or the power of suggestion + fixation. I'm thinking about sleeping for lots of my day, so of course I feel sleepy all the time. But my brain has been going "Hello! I'm awake now! Revv revv revv!" right before bedtime again.

Also been getting more brain-blurts of dialog snippets for my scripts lately. Tho many at bedtime, which is part of why I'm not getting 9 hours every night. If taxes don't melt my brain this weekend, maybe I'll also remember to do some writing. Most of my work on this project has been in note form, in a notebook months ago, but more recently as lots of emails sent back to myself. Maybe instead of 'writing', editing those notes together would also be a good idea.

Tuesday I groggily considered giving up refined sugars, cold turkey. Then I reflected on how much I eat during the day: an ounce of dark chocolate with lunch, a honey candy (turns out to also have corn syrup in it, dammit) on the train ride home, and apparently there's sugar in the soy-free mayo I picked up (oops). But none of my other usual condiments or snacks during my weekdays. However, on the weekends I have had binges on my dark chocolate stash, plus baking experiments, so I wonder if I eat enough sugar on weekends to mess me up for the week? Will be more careful with my chocolate doses this weekend and see what happens.

The main problem I can't figure out by going no-sugar is, what am I going to do when my throat inevitably gets irritated, especially now that its allergy season? Tea without honey usually isn't a problem for me, but it can actually dry me out worse when I'm already sick. The honey gives me a helpful throat coat. And I'm of the opinion that sugar is sugar, although some types might have a less-terrible carbon footprint than others.

And since I've gone off strict paleo (tho I'm still avoiding wheat, dairy, and a few other items due to clear bodily intolerances -wtf sweet potatoes) I think I'm going to stop being crazy about soy lethicin and go back to eating normal, non-fancy brand chocolate for $$ reasons. I've been avoiding soy b/c my thyroid did look f'ed up last summer (tho with no clear bloodtest results, none of the docs cared), and apparently soy is bad for my thyroid and a number of other issues.

Supposedly the sl is a byproduct without those side effects. Or something. I dunno. I'm just tired of having to deal with the fancy grocery stores to get my chocolate (tho its not like the chocolate is all that good for me either). And chocolate also acts as throat comfort, and helps with some of my tummy issues. Once in the way back I tried subbing it with just roasted cacao beans, and OMG too bitter. I guess we all have our weaknesses, I just hope its not one that leads to a downfall.

I'm still going to keep my chocolate stash at home and give myself a small metered ration every day, b/c bringing whole bars to work just leads to binging. Would like to stick with low doses of sugar and see if that's enough. I'm doing better avoiding it at night, since even a small amount of caffeine can keep me from falling asleep ontime/quickly.

Last night I was watching "My Drunk Kitchen," and for the first time in months really wanted ice cream. Today I'll see if a frozen fruit smoothie with lots of coconut milk helps. Plus my short attention span and bad short term memory. I have a ton of frozen fruit left in the freezer, since I don't usually want frozen smoothies in the winter. Probably a good idea to start eating my way through it. I prefer to buy fresh fruit and freeze it, since I've had weird sugar-crash experiences with store-frozen, even when there was no additional sugar listed. *shrugs* CC had big tubs of berries at a good price once, but I haven't seen them since, and didn't take a close look at the quality that day. No room for them yet, tho, let the smoothie fest begin!

I seem to have caught the spring cleaning bug again, b/c I have a whole list of kitchen + closet clearing/storing projects tucked into my dayplanner all of a sudden. Doing a closet 'audit' would probably be a good idea, a general reminder that I can stop wearing pants everyday once it gets warm enough for skirts and dresses again. And its getting kinda crowded in there, so will probably take some of my treasured costumes and put them into 'cold' storage, since I won't be going to any events where I can wear them for a while. I don't have the space or energy to host a clothes swap, and the last one I attended was unpleasant.

Typing of events, I'm trying to keep track of what cons *other* ppl are going to, and there seem to have been a lot of them since February. May start a general con-savings account for that, aside from the DCon one. Also might do Arisia next year instead of Wicked Faire (NOT as a vendor tho, eek, lugging giant suitcase to Boston = NO). Although I will probably do a price comparison between that and Anachrochon, b/c who wouldn't want to be several states further south during the middle of winter? And its the same neighborhood as DCon, so already familiar with the terrain. I hope ICON isn't gone forever, but I don't want to go back until they've beta tested whatever their new venue is. And I can't stand NYCC. Ironically it is *in* my home city, but more of a strain on me than DCon (where I can go upstairs and take a nap whenever I want).

I really, REALLY want all the coughing ppl at work to stop coughing. Its not even the germ fear talking anymore, the sound just gets on my nerves like nothing else. But the worst flu season in years seems to be overlapping with the normal allergy season, so no relief for mah nerves. Tho ppl on the subway seem to be coughing on me a bit less, so the trains are making me less cranky.

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth, http://chrysilla.dreamwidth.org/

paleo, chantry, conslut, writing, sleep, medications, lifehacks, soy, food

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