This will be the first full hardcore week of hermitting, since last week there was that book event I wanted to attend. And y'know, sit on the couch and space out for most of it. I'm curious to see what happens to me this week assuming nothing smacks me from out of left field. No more social guilt, yaaaay! And I think my mid-May b'day will be a good future date to take stock of the experiment. If its not working by then, may have to change tactics again.
Because of (some) taxes, I didn't get to bed until about 1am, but that still left me a window for 8 hours of sleep. At 5am I woke up from a bad dream with large bugs in it, and it was very difficult to get back to sleep. So I'm fragged today. If I don't switch on the computer *at all* when I get home tonight, I may make a normal bedtime tho.
I had to convince myself that I would devote my week to extra tidying up and anti-pest measures this week to get myself to calm down. Once awake in the daylight I was less interested in doing any of those things, but it is that time of year again. I think? Meh. Can I just decide not to be phobic anymore? Is that a thing?
In therapy today, I reflected on how until recently I hadn't seen any of my late night 'hypervigilance' problems as anxiety. And hadn't really noticed how uncomfortable it was until a few weeks ago. One more check in the 'no duh' category. Now its the main reason I want to fix my sleep, I'm tired of jumping every time I see my own foot out of the corner of my eye :-P
Don't have an acupuncture appointment this week, but if I call ahead on Wednesday I may be able to stop by her practice and pick up more of those sleep-brain-calming herbal pills. And I did sleep better Thurs-Sat nights after anti-stress acupuncture, but I can't afford it every week. I didn't even need my marathon sleeps, although now that I've had a bad night to start off Monday I kinda wish I'd had that extra cushion.
Speaking of cushions, by the beginning of next week I should have a nice cushion of time-off days, so I can stop being so paranoid about getting another week long sinus infection. Yay?
The Weekend's Accomplishments:
-Watched my Netflix, a live recording of the last b'way performance of Rent! It brought up a LOT more teenage feels than the movie version I have. And chronically-ill feels. All the movie ever brought up was "Wow, did I really idolize a staring artist lifestyle when I was 16?"
-Cooked things! With varying degrees of success, and one thing was a bit complicated, but at least its all edible for lunches this week. And back to no-rice lunches to see if I stop getting those sugar crashes. Note to self- my fridge hates defrosting meat, so no more advanced meat stock ups at Costco. Only buy what u can use in one weekend (still a lot tho).
-Hellmans makes a canola-oil based mayo with no soy. Its being touted as a zero-cholesterol option without the soy oil. Eeeek, soy sounds even more evil. Absolutely not paleo, but I'm not 100% anyway, and I'm tired of failed mayo experiments.
-Paid the bills! And went over da books. I guess some charges from the end of February hadn't cleared by 3/1, so they ended up on March's bill, thus the confusion. Now I'll remember to pay the full *impending* balance next time. Or just stop using the card so much, since the cashback thing doesn't seem very worth it.
-Filed my sales tax forms! Late (due 3/20), and the minimum late charge is $50, but at least its done now. I just needed sales totals to do this one, but to do the federal I'll need to find the individual numbered receipts that have mysteriously disappeared. *headdesk* They made me do them with an online account too, which wasn't actually that hard to put together, but showed they still had my address as Astoria so 4 years out of date. *HEADDESK* Fixed now :-P
-All my other regular weekend chores.
There are also lots of things I didn't do, but I need not harp on about that. Blah. But between eye strain and financial guilt, decided the FMG order can wait until next weekend. But ordering for predestined projects only may help with the $$ guilt.
Another of my filament necklaces exploded at work today. Don't have any pics of this one, but I took a Wyrding Studios pendant that was gifted to me and strung it up with matching crystals and beads on a simple chain. My Eshu necklace, filament, also broke just before I left for Wicked Faire (omen? mebbe). I did a repair on a broken ribbon necklace for a customer around holiday time, again strung on filament, so I must say I'm getting a bit fed up with this material. Bead-chaining can break, but is less fraught with drama b/c if one link breaks you don't have 50 beads to pick up individually.
But if I don't do anymore bead stringing styles, no more ribbon necklaces. Thread isn't any tougher, that's why I started using filament to begin with. May look into tigertail, but that can break after a while too, and is less forgiving to getting bent in transit. Tho there will be less transporting of beads in general if I'm planning to ditch event vending for a purely online presence.
At the very least, Ima go through my personal stash of shinies and start upgrading the filament pieces to chains, or at least the pieces that utilize more expensive, rare, or emotionally invested elements. Maybe that will jumpstart my need to bead? At least I already have some broken ones to fix :-P One of the brokens is actually a wire wrapped short chain necklace, but I just need to replace the jump ring.
Still haven't decided for sure on whether or not I'm doing Twisted World. Definitely leaning towards "no" for health reasons, but I'm having trouble pushing myself to actually email them. Another part of why I don't want to do it is b/c I want to start raiding my boxes of $5 polymer clay pendants for other projects. Compared with the *potential* (not guarantee) of making a few hundred bucks at an in person event, I'd rather turn $5 items into $15-$20 items? I'm not sure if this is good, bad, crazy, or a combo.
And am more and more sure that I'm not going to SPWF. I'm tired of giving that company my monies. May plan a weekend of dinner and a show, but complications are inevitable.
Oddly fitting in light of last night's stressy nightmares. Either productive dredging of my unconscious, or stressed out nightmares that self replicate into taking over mah brain. Or maybe both. Or maybe a disciplined, well plotted creative boost with some help from teh random?
Sho lets see what happens.
<3 Chrysilla
Crossposted from Dreamwidth,