Clean ALL the Things

Mar 04, 2013 19:31

Friday night I started taking 3mg of melatonin at bedtime, like I stopped doing around January 2011, and I feel pretty OK. No residual drowsiness (tho with me, that's hard to tell anyway).

Actually, I've had a really super busy weekend (by my current standards), despite wanting to crawl inside my own skull and expire for most of Friday. I had already put sewing out of my mind that day due to my negative bonus to dex for two days running, so I got hyped up for home improvement and chores, which turned into another bout of Discardia.

A Weekend Full of Accomplishments

-Woke up at nine am and couldn't get back to sleep, but unlike similar incidents, I did not also have a headache or migraine. Or screaming neighbor-kid. OMFG AMAZINGSAUCE!

-Went to Costco and finally got my own membership. And due to my early start, I had time/space to wander around the aisles and write down the prices of things I saw that I usually cook with. So just the food-side of the store thus far (other bits later). I am nerdily keeping a spreadsheet of it, to compare with the local normal stores. I went over the set budget a bit, but in part b/c I did not already have this spreadsheet before I left the house. Did not get too much stuff, which is also amazingsauce for me.

-After geeking out with my spreadsheets, I immediately started cooking, and finished by the end of the night for my lunches. On SATURDAY. Moar OMG. I had planned to pick up a bunch of ground beef at CC and try a meatball recipe, but they had corned beef, so I opted for lower-maintenance cooking for the day.

-I sorted through my 'music drawer', and found that I do have space for my music collection. It just seemed like I had too much stuff b/c a) the cd binders were full of burned CDs that I have on mp3 anyway, and b) I'd been collecting new cds for years without actually *opening* them and putting them in the binders. So not only did I get that sorted out, I tossed out a bunch of stuff I don't want anymore, and *listened* to most of the albums I'd been hording for years.

-Most of those albums came from Marc Gunn, so I got my Irish/Celtic music megadose a few weeks ahead of "Everybody is Irish an alcoholic" day.

-The 'Music Drawer' and the one below it were also full of wires and odd gadget-y things that I don't need anymore. So I cleared out both!

-Filled the now empty drawers with more jewelry supplies, and my jewelry-photography supplies.

-Cleared more space off my workbench, so it is now far less cluttered. I may even be able to get off my butt and make more complicated shiny things soon. Yay.

-Rooted out the space in the entertainment ctr (an old used credenza with a shelf & tv on top) that I use as a liquor cabinet, and purged the hell out of it. Discovered really nice glasses I vaguely remembered owning, and another set of nice glasses that I forgot I ever owned. And some less nice glasses that are going to a new home soon.

-I also found a ton of hooch that I put up in my online Discardia photo album on teh FB. I think almost all of it has been either picked up by friends already (by ppl who live in/near my neighborhood of course), or called dibs upon. But until they actually come get it, I consider it up for grabs. Kept some rum and whiskey for altar stuffs, chocolate liquor for baking, but keeping those elsewhere now.

-The ex liquor cabinet is now full of my polymer clay supplies and equipment, plus some more craft supplies. Which cleared out a lot of shelf space in the hall closet.

-Filled the extra space in the hall closet with other stuff, but its still not packed to capacity. In fact, none of these spaces are packed to capacity anymore. WOW. And I moved some stuff around, b/c its silly having lightbulbs in the kitchen and nice glasses in the crafts closet.

-In general, did not sit around the house on Saturday staring into space like a zombie. Yaaaaay!!!

-Sunday was a bit more crazy, b/c I tackled my hallway shelves, which are where I keep lots of little things in baskets and cubbies. So there was a lot of sorting of stuff, tossing stuff like expired cold meds and empty lotion containers, and then sorting and reshelving. Sho many little piles of things on my folding table, was almost overwhelming. But now, again, stuff fits with room to spare.

-I finally went through that bag of Lush products and tossed out most of it. B/c a) most of the fizzy things especially had faded and fallen apart, b) my Lush obsessed friends are Queens challanged, and c) I'm not waiting another two months for these flaky ppl to 'drop by'. I kept the soap and some lotion bars that still had structural integrity, and threw out everything else. Including sadly a lotion bar that ended up in the wrong bag, unless I put it on some random shelf to get later. By coincidence, I've just run out of my usual liquid soap, so I can go thru these old products for a while.

-Photographed some of the books in my Discardia bin that I didn't think would sell well at The Strand, and/or I thought would be of interest to my fen friends, uploaded them to FB. And most of them have been claimed, some to be mailed to another state, some I'll take with me to Browncoats next weekend.

-Took out all the trash and recyc, including the normal recyc that's been piling up for a while, and my home finally felt a helluvalot tidier.

Jebus. OK, that was mostly just cleaning, feel free to skip the cut tags. But I have precious little else to be excited about these days, so I enjoyed it while it was happening.

Did not get around to the dusting, but by the end of the weekend most of it was probably airborne. So its in my best interest to let it fall to the surfaces and then kill it with cloths and swiffers next weekend. And then wet-wash the floors once its warm enough to open the back door for chemical venting. I wore a cheap dust mask for most of the work, and don't have a S.I. today, so double yay.

And I still haven't cleaned up the top of the fridge, which used to be mouse central, b/c issues. But soon I think. Maybe I just did all of that other cleaning to avoid that one little spot of territory? Blah, issues.

When it gets warm outside, I may finally feel functional enough to wash the f#$% out of the balcony and start setting up that space again. Not to mention, painting the bathroom and hallway seem less intimidating. Even the kitchen reno, but less intimidating still leaves that kind of intimidating. Eeep.

However, this is all dependent on me feeling less CF-y. Which I do so far. Unfortunately I could also just be pms'ing, which sometimes results in extra energy and good mood swings. So if I still feel on the better side of my normal next week, or even better than that, I'll start considering getting a life again. I'm not sure a massive, early spring cleaning binge really counts.

Other things that need to happen sooner: Taxes, photographing the latest shinies. Less sooner, I'm finally mending/fixing old clothes so I don't have to buy new ones, yay! And maybe that pattern sewing project I recently got fabric for. DCon is only 6 months away, so I'm starting to suss out if I need any new patterns & fabric, or if by coincidence I already have everything I need.

A friend is having a b'day party on Friday that I'll try to attend, I'd like to try and hit Browncoats on Saturday afternoon, and NYRSF is Wednesday, so maybe I'll have the energy for some of that socializing.

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth,

costco, pms, chantry, cf, melatonin, discardia, sleep, gettingbetter

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