My tweets

Aug 12, 2011 07:00

  • Thu, 15:25: When I get the shinies blog back on track, Ima also put up photos of the sewing stuff I do, tho its not for sale. Not quite on-brand tho.
  • Thu, 15:25: Jefferson Starship... at #DragonCon? ... Whu? #fb
  • Thu, 15:27: My break from social-life this month is much like fasting before a pilgrimage. Hail the great geek bacchanalia of the East. #Dragoncon #fb
  • Thu, 16:30: This year, I could go to Star Trek panels and finally know what ppl are talking about. Yaaay! #DragonCon
  • Thu, 17:40: RT @ franksballad: "Vampire Law, I would not watch that show" Sadie Doyle @ ThrillingAdv If you're not listening to this podcast Then I do ...
  • Thu, 18:33: Weather returned optimal Chrys-range. Which makes my summer "break" even more relaxing. Yaaaay! #fb
  • Thu, 18:42: Today I kinda wish I worked in a store front, b/c then I could leave the door open and enjoy the outside air instead of the a/c.
  • Thu, 18:43: I'm amazed at how much better I feel today, merely due to a high of 80 degrees F.
  • Thu, 18:44: I hope I finish making spiffy new jackets before jacket weather starts. Maybe even spiffy new velvet jackets. #fb
  • Thu, 18:46: Read vampire stories in the park and did not melt, is a good day :-)


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