Reorganizing the Cave.

Aug 11, 2011 16:20

Feeling remarkably better today than I have in weeks. The temperature only seemed hit 80, not 85, and I wonder if that's all I needed. On one hand its nice to know that I'll feel better merely when the weather changes. On the other, will I feel this yucky and whiny every summer? Eeek. At least I can keep saying no to my therapist when she recommends teh Zoloft. She's not convinced that it's the weather, but for the most part I am.

Somehow, Pagan Pride Day and the Cloisters Medieval Faire are on my mind (both usually late September, early October). I don't notice the 'autumn echo' like other people are, but maybe its hit me on a subconscious level. Am tempted to sit in the park and read for a while after work, to avoid rush hour.

Lots of weird & vibrant dreams for the last few days. I'm not always getting to bed ontime, which isn't so odd for me, but I'm barely able to drag myself out of bed in the morning. I don't often sleep thru my alarms, so this is weird.

Sunday night was all about trying to get away from my family so I could have some privacy. Very bothered and frustrated.

Monday night I dreamed that Dad got in trouble with some terrible thing, and our whole family got put in the witness protection program (tho me and my bro are adults). I had to cut off ALL of my online personae, including the whole QOTCP 'brand,' on top of moving to a new place with my fam where I didn't know anybody. And it was Halloween and I had nobody to party with. Felt very lonely and frustrated.

Tuesday night I don't remember much, but I was drawing the glyph for Saturn in the margins of a book with a pencil, and then got the glyph for Jupiter instead. Astrologically speaking, Saturn is discipline and balance, Jupiter is fun and abundance.

Wednesday night I also didn't remember much after the morning wind-up (I really need to start writing these things down, but with the lethargy its hard to remember), but there was nice chewy steak. And my bro, something about getting tailoring or a haircut. And my home looked less like my home, with a big box shelf built across the ceiling between living room and kitchen, and the studio was MUCH bigger. My dilemma was what to put on that high shelf. Too high up for practical daily storage, tho really big, and too dusty for decorative storage like action figures.

Did not cut fabric or sew last night, but I did find a place to put the fabric, patterns, and other bits I've amassed (mostly older stuff). Realized the linens in the trunk at the foot of my bed never get used b/c a) I don't have to hang them to dry and use backups, and b) company never stays over for the night. So the extras can go into dustier under-bed storage, and the trunk is for sewing stuff, plus the iron and pad. And already right next to where my sewing machine sits. I also took out some old textiles to maybe turn into other home crafts or clothing, and they get to stay in the trunk. I don't know why I still have so many pillow cases after the last linens purge, which was mostly old threadbare towels. I may go ScarlettOHara'sSteamstress on those. No longer needed smaller boxes to hold old scraps, so now one is filled with patterns.

This is about as exciting/satisfying as my life gets these days, and I am cool with that :-)

I didn't actually own an iron until last month. It wasn't ironing that I didn't like, it was having to store an ironing board somewhere in my already weird space. But then Mom explained to me about these wonderful things called ironing pads, which roll out on any hard flat surface, and now my domestic arson is a bit more complete. And pressing is often a needful step in sewing.

Overall, space is less cluttered. I can sit on my couch again! May do some moving of things around the sewing machine itself next. I have some storage bins under the table full of office-type supplies that rarely get opened up anyway, so they may go live in the closet. Which I wish I'd had shelves built-into, but Dad has been not well for the last two summers, and I don't want to make him worse for the sake of a shelf :-/ Shelves can wait.

Also thinking of culling the objects on the glass shelves in the kitchen. I really don't look at those photo albums... ever. And I haven't added to or felt excited about my Nightmare Before Xmas collection in a long while. Aside from that, I use them for bits and bobs that I photograph with my jewelry.

Was already planning to plan a summer break suspension of stuff for next summer, now I think I'll also plan to fix up the kitchen that time next year. It may be a contradiction in plans, to take it easy and redo the kitchen, but the work itself will be short lived tho the preparations and hoop-jumping will take longer. When I'm off Monday, I'll stop by the co-op office and ask what I need to do about getting a plumber and pick up the required forms. There will be forms and co-op board meetings before this can happen, good thing I've given myself a year.

My neighbor has a plumber who completely re-did his bathroom, so while he'll be expensive the co-op board rejected all of my neighbor's less expensive options. Politics and favoritism, I am ready. Bring. It. ON.

Might also finally paint the hallway & bathroom, probably before next summer. Just haven't gotten around to it yet, ran out of steam as I painted the Chantry years ago before moving in. Would have to empty out the closets if I'm going to paint *everything*. Was also hoping to get some kind of shelving in the not-clothes closet, but am not sure if I should get that together before or after painting. I would also like to get a Really Big Mirror to put up on the wall, b/c nothing I have really fits all of me when I try to figure out clothes. That should also maybe wait, lest it get smashed up by shelf construction?

Painting will take longer than just painting. The previous tennant/owner did such a crappy job that I'll have to sand down some spots first. And I'm still not sure about the colors. Probably more blue/green, lighter than the main rooms, and white. Tho the closet-curtain may not match then. Hmph.

Saw some fabric on my last trip to Jersey that might look nice on my couch. And as a tablecloth for my workbench. But its in Jersey. *grumbles*

Starting to think seriously about selling my comic book collection. Or giving them away if they are in bad shape. Right now they're all sitting in a huge rubbermaid tote at the bottom of my not-clothes closet, and I never read them anyway. Might start researching teh Ebay. I am far more attached to my rpg books, which I also never use. But I'm still feeling weird, and I have a rule that I don't make big decisions while I'm sick. Brainstorming only, for now.

My beading urge is back, the brain is not quite willing yet. No rush. That's why pattern sewing is so satisfying right now. Aside from "which pattern and which color" I don't really have to think about it much.

The Del Close Marathon, a 48 hour improv festival run by UCB in theirs and two other theaters, is this weekend. And I will probably skip it. I can see my friends perform in NY year-round (when I'm awake enough to attend regularly), and it will be a lot of underslept, belligerently drunk comedians in a badly air conditioned space. And I already have two improv classes scheduled for this weekend (paid before I decided to take a summer break, whups). And crazy trains. Not for me this month, kthnx.

As for the improv classes, am feeling less excited about them now. But Sunday is just a one day workshop, and Saturday is 4 weeks. They will help me figure out if improv is something I really want to keep doing, or maybe leave off on and stay in the audience for a while.

I get Monday off! Yay! Will try Mood Fabrics for a couple of patterns, a dress and a skirt. I will do my best not to buy fabric unless it is for a specific project. I often usually don't buy jewelry supplies with clear plans, and it leads to craziness and overspending and TOO MUCH STUFF.

As a rule, I don't like my hobbies and projects to be more stressful than my job. But my job is already really not-stressful (I am very grateful about that, omg), so its a rather low bar to begin with. No wonder I burnt out?

Other than that, no huge epiphanies or anything. Just enjoying the quiet and lack of pressure. And shipping for Geordie/Data as I watch TNG on Neflix instant ;-)

<3 Chrysilla

EDIT: No sooner did I post that I got notice the 4 week improv class on Saturdays was cancelled. On one hand DAMMIT (I've wanted to take the Slacker class for over a year), on the other its one less thing to worry about. Not sure if I'll take a refund, or re-enroll in a different elective.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth,

geek, work, chantry, summerbreak, reno, improv, mental health, sewing, gaming, jewelry

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