June, Already? Whut?

Jun 07, 2011 17:14

Wow, no updates since before I was sick two weeks ago. Which was followed by being sick *again* the week after that. And nothing really of substance for about a month.

So, um, hi, I'm still alive.

Good things also happened, aside from not getting fired for being sick all of the time. My b'day was fun, but due to the improv peeps not showing up until late, and the bar being really noisy with straights in suits downstairs, we didn't actually do the open mic thing. Whups. But it was nice hanging out with my people again, and seeing some of my different social scenes mix :-)

Also, my friends Jenna and Brandon got married at a Firefly theme wedding, and I was a bridesmaid. There are pics on teh Facebook, it was extremely geeky and awesome. Could reuse the orange dress for Fairyland/Palimpsest cosplay, or ask one of the other bridesmaids how she's dyeing hers black. And I didn't get sick again at the wedding, yay.

I've been trying to work on my urban-fantasy-sitcom-podcast thingie for weeks now, but being sick makes it almost impossible to concentrate on *making* things. Both that and jewelry have fallen by the wayside. I am starting to wake up, however, and am reading more books. I'm annoyed with my lack of focus, but I now live in fear of allergies and sinuses, so there's not a lot I can do about it :-/ Its still nice to have a project, tho, and I'll be happy if I just finish the damn scripts.

Am a little worried about lack of interest from others in this project, either in the "please help me" phase or the "please boost this signal" phase. I'm expecting a lot of "Well, I didn't really pay attention to your weird bastard project because its not improv/sketch/novel/shortfiction/comics/poetry/theater/aboutme/etc." But that's putting the cart before the horse. First, script writing needs to happen. I have many, many springboards to start with.

Also had a really vivid & intense dream last week that could turn into a drama-type story. But its very dismal and dystopian, and right now I want to work on the fun & lighthearted project. Basically, magic spaceships and evil wizards. Like castle keeps and dungeon crawls in space. Not groundbreaking, but there were other fun bits. Which I wrote down the bones of and will flesh out at a later date.

Because my plans for England in 2012 are back on, I'm looking online for radio writing classes in London b/c there are none at all in NYC. That may not work out, or I may not need them, but I am finding resources on the other side of the pond. Y'know, where radio is still relevant.

I has plants! The tomato plants started flowering last week, so maybe I will get more tomatoes over the summer. Some of the plants really kersploded out of the pots while I was away for the wedding (Fri-Sun), I hope this isn't a mark against my character as a crazy plant lady. I think I may just be over-watering them.

Might start futzing with my Twitter presence. QOTCPcf will be for jewelry spam, and I may set up "Chrysilla" (if its not taken yet) for everything else. We shall see. An old Mythpunk Army project idea came back to me today, if I ever have the energy to work on jewelry ever again. In the last month I've finished two new pieces, one personal, and fixed another personal piece.

Realized that I don't need hundred of LJ icons, I get plenty enough if I just renew my paid LJ status. So I culled the herd by a lot. Its all I had the attention span for while I was sick, but its something.

Am growing increasingly frustrated with my lack of having-a-life. True, I can't help being sick. But I still don't feel mentally or emotionally satisfied unless I'm making stuff, or acting as part of a larger social machine, so being home alone and too blitzed on Niquil is really bad for my psychological state.

At Wicked Faire some fortune tellers told me that I'd be sick for the following six months or so. Just remembered that a couple weeks ago. More whups. Wish I could remember more other parts of that reading, maybe I'd have something else to look forward to. And I was just reminded that Saturn has been retrograde since 1/29, which is when my life started to crumble under too-much-stuff. If that superstitious nonsense is relevant, things should pick up this weekend when it goes direct again. Astrology, I wish I could quit you. For weeks my horroscopes have been all "Yay! Go see people and do stuff with them! Yay people and stuff!" which is exactly what I don't want to hear when I'm home sick :-P

<3 Chrysilla

england2012, business, beadwork, depression, health, twitter, mental health, writing, wedding, astrology, wickedfaire, lj

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