Feb 25, 2011 03:15
- 10:00:24: Underwater Expedition, Steampunk Sale! http://nblo.gs/eHlrL
- 11:26:32: Easter candy season? Already? Oh noes! I cannot resist you Cadburry bunny!!!! #fb
- 11:28:10: RT @tithenai: Offhand line about Keats "steeping" himself in literature has led to the suggestion that I title this chapter "Tea-bagging ...
- 11:36:20: Photo: chrisreblogs: Yay, now I have my costume for Wicked Faire 2012 :-D http://tumblr.com/xup1lmp3bi
- 13:12:16: Photo: http://tumblr.com/xup1lngu97 Imperial Walker COSTUME. :-D!!!
- 13:37:11: Weather be damned, I am wearing the new red dress today. These sleeves didn't look so big on the website. FEAR MY GIANT BELL SLEEVES!!!! #fb
- 13:46:21: Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability http://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability.html
- 14:48:47: Photo: it8bit: http://tumblr.com/xup1lo9xlf
- 14:59:50: Wow, my third week of March is getting more and more awesome! A book party, a bead show, vacation time, and a friend from CA :-D
- 15:05:44: "Hi, you're not good enough to be on our improv team, but here pay for more classes! You're great at that!" *sigh* Kthxbye.
- 16:24:27: "The most important thing in life is to stop saying ‘I wish’ and start saying ‘I will.’ Consider nothing..." http://tumblr.com/xup1lp8363
- 16:34:40: RT @jstnschneider: Othello breaks the spell holding Desdemona asleep by removing a magic pillow. #ShakespeareBackwards #amidoinitrite
- 16:38:44: Eeek something really has my nerves in a twist, cuz my shoulder is spasming like crazy. So no self medication by chocolate today :-/ #fb
- 16:54:20: For years I've been using my LJ as a less-functional replacement for Delicious. Whups, now I'll just use Delicious. #latetotheparty
- 16:56:35: Am I right to think that whenever someone tells Toph she *can't* do something, she's usually succeeded at it by the end of the ep? #AtLA
- 17:06:51: A friend of a friend has taken up "Yarn Bombing" :-D http://tinyurl.com/4hkcpbb
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