2013 LuRe Yule Challenge - Wonderland Part One/Six

Dec 20, 2013 14:00

Title: Wonderland
Author: Qjilla28
Pairing: Luke and Reid
Rating: PG to NC17
Word Count:17,108
Warnings: mention of Noah, some minor angst
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters or profit from them

Summary: What if Reid had followed his original plan to take Noah back to Dallas and  what if, although advised not to, Luke had followed anyway? What if, instead of being by Noah's side, Luke found himself inexplicably drawn to the last person on earth he'd ever imagine falling for? And what if that man found himself returning Luke's feelings? Would the two end up together, happily ever after? Or would life (and maybe a jealous ex boyfriend) get in the way of their plans? And what happens if they should, by some odd coincidence, find themselves thrown together again almost two years later, in a little place called...Wonderland?

A/N:  A heartfelt thank you to the talented michaela1969 for my beautiful banner. How lucky we are to have so many talented artists in this fandom!  And a special thank you to tldreamer for coordinating this challenge. Your hard work is greatly appreciated!


February 2010 - Oakdale, Illinois

Dr. Reid Oliver: Mr. Mayer, I thought we had an understanding.

Noah Mayer: We do. But Luke...I can't push him away just because you don't like him. So if that means you're not going to go through with the surgery....

Luke Snyder: Noah. Stop. I'm okay. Don't worry about me.

Noah Mayer: No, but you shouldn't have to go through this by yourself.

Luke Snyder: The most important thing is that you get your sight back. So don't worry, Dr. Oliver, I know the new rules and I will obey them.

Dr. Reid Oliver: Good.

Luke Snyder: But that doesn't mean I don't hate you for keeping me away from Noah when we need each other the most.

Dr. Reid Oliver: It’s just sound medicine.

Luke Snyder: Whatever. We’ll do it your way because Noah thinks you can help him, but I hope you live up to your own hype. Otherwise, you have to answer to me.

December 22, 2011 - Lake Tahoe, Nevada


As I survey my lush surroundings, I have to wonder again what exactly the hell I’m doing here. Attending a neurosurgical convention at a place called “Wonderland”. I roll my eyes and pick up my medical journal, relieved to have a little time to myself before the next tedious seminar. There is no doubt in my mind that I would still be in sunny Dallas right now, thoroughly enjoying not celebrating my green Christmas, if it wasn’t for the fact that I am the esteemed recipient of a prestigious award at tomorrow's closing ceremonies.

I sink into the couch, enjoying a swig of my beer and the warmth of the fireplace. Having access to the VIP lounge in this exclusive resort definitely has it’s advantages and I sigh as I peruse the journal in my lap. I’ve kept busy here the last three days, attending most of the conference meetings and utilizing the pool and spa that has been made available to the attendees.

I am not a fan of outdoor winter sports, at least participating in them, deciding a long time ago that the risk for bodily injury is too great. So while the skiing and snowboarding is wasted on me, the lake and surrounding area is breathtakingly beautiful and I have taken to going for a daily hike. I get up early and have to say that although I’ve never been one to indulge in the thought that “fresh air is good for you”, it has been an unexpected pleasure to just clear my head and feel the freshly fallen snow crunch under my boots.

So, whether I want to admit it to myself or not, I feel relaxed and this trip out West has helped my disposition. I was surprised to learn that  not all the other neurological surgeons attending are complete and utter idiots, although most are. I've actually engaged in some interesting conversation and look forward to sharing some of my new research.

Yet, everything is not perfect. There is only one thing that is niggling away at my brain. One little fly in the ointment. And his name is Noah Mayer.

I have no clue as to whose brilliant idea it was to ask that guy to speak about the condition that led to his blindness and surgery I performed to restore his sight. But more puzzling is the fact that Mr. Mayer actually agreed to attend and do just that…at my award presentation of all places. There has to be something in it for him, I am sure of that. I grind my teeth imagining what pearls of wisdom he plans to impart to this group tomorrow night.

Unfortunately, my outward display of disgust and temper upon learning that Noah agreed to this farce did nothing to change the minds of the powers that be. I was merely a guest at this conference, according to them, and should appreciate the efforts made on my behalf. I guess it makes no difference that I'm the guy being honored.

So the dye has been cast and luckily for me Mr. Mayer will be arriving tomorrow before the dinner and departing directly after. Since I have no plus one, the ditzy event coordinator had suggested Mr. Mayer accompany me at my table. I’m pretty sure my life-threatening response to that insured that the man will be seated somewhere on the other side of the room.

I shudder as I think back to my last encounter with Noah, over a year ago. He was rude, arrogant, and I found out later, entirely full of shit. By then it was too late. By then I had returned once again to Dallas and resumed my solitary existence. Which, I had told myself, was just the way I wanted it.

I have my career and a reputation that I have worked years building. My life in Dallas is full. When I'm not in the OR, I am doing fascinating research on new, state-of-the-art techniques to perform surgeries that were only ever imagined before. I answer to no one and when I feel like socializing with other men, I go to any number of respectable establishments, where I have no problem finding ways of getting my needs met. I don’t need anyone, and l prefer it that way.

I lift the beer bottle up to my lips and as I tilt my head back I notice someone at the bar. I recognize him immediately. Even though it’s been months…years now, since I’ve seen him, I’ll never forget that body. As he turns to walk into the sitting area, near the fireplace, I see his face. It is fixed in my memory and I feel my heart skip a beat. He radiates beauty. His hair is a longer and blonder and he looks healthy and fit. He is without a doubt, the handsomest man I've ever known.

I feel my heart start to race and the slow rise of something that could be the beginning of a panic attack. I lift up my magazine, blocking his view of my face, thinking that I need to regulate my breathing and calm the fuck down before I engage in anything close to a conversation with him.

And then it hits me. Of course he’s here. Noah will be here tomorrow, and ever the dutiful lapdog, at his boyfriend’s beck and call, Luke has arrived to be by his side. I’m thrown by all the confusing thoughts striking me at once. It occurs to me that I was informed over a year ago that Luke and Noah had split up. That Noah had actually left town. I had to give him props for that. Oakdale was no place I’d ever want to call home.

I know that’s bullshit, though. I might have considered it, actually, if things had worked out differently. But nothing ever happened at all, and I have to keep reminding myself of that. And it appears that Noah leaving town did not necessarily mean the end of their baffling relationship.

I can’t help but wonder if Luke is aware of exactly why Noah is planning on being in Lake Tahoe tomorrow. He must know that I’m the reason that his boyfriend is coming to town. Could Noah have left that little tidbit out when he agreed to meet Luke here? Or could it be that Luke does know and simply does not care. That must be it. He’s here to support Noah and for him, that’s all that matters.

Stealthily watching him, my eyes are peering over the top corner of my open journal. He sits down adjacent to me in one of the over stuffed arm chairs and digs his phone out of his pocket. If he’s even aware that there is someone else in the room, he does a masterful job of hiding it. He’s scrolling down, his fingers moving over the touch screen as he intently reads something. He snorts and continues, moving uncomfortably in his chair.

Part of me wants to walk over and throttle him for being such a heartless, inconsiderate brat. I think what I’m feeling now is pain. It hurts that he can dismiss me so easily, that what I thought was something real and growing was just Luke Snyder playing games. Boosting his own ego with the knowledge that I might actually be falling for him, all the while taking great pleasure, no doubt, in tearing mine down. I decided a long time ago that I only have myself to blame for trusting him. For trusting that we could ever mean something to each other.

And that’s where the other part of me, the part that I have managed to keep hidden for so long, starts to poke at me. The part that wants to just grab him, take his face in my hands and kiss his mouth with everything in me. I think I knew I wanted Luke from the moment I saw him in Oakdale. I wouldn’t shake his hand that first day…I couldn’t shake his hand. His demeanor was off-putting. It was like there was an aura around him, like he was what I’d been waiting for my entire life, only I hadn’t even realized it until he was there, in front of me.

I quickly recognized that the only way I could be successful in surgically restoring  Noah Mayer’s eye sight would be to have Luke Snyder out of my orbit. I knew it had nothing to do with sound medicine, and everything to do with my own sanity.

And everything would have have been fine. It all would have worked out and I could have saved myself months of heartbreak and disappointment. If only he hadn’t followed Noah to Dallas.


March 2010 - Oakdale, Illinois

Luke Snyder: Dr. Oliver, please. Can't you reconsider?

Dr. Reid Oliver: Reconsider what?

Luke Snyder: Can’t you operate on Noah here and then go back to Dallas?

Dr. Reid Oliver: You want Noah to get his sight back, right?

Luke Snyder: Yes. That's what this is all about.

Dr. Reid Oliver: Then step back and let me handle Noah's case as I see fit.

December 22, 2011 - Lake Tahoe, Nevada


I smile to myself as I enter the lounge, knowing that I was right to trust my instincts and book a suite at this resort, rather than stay at Grandmother’s extravagant winter home here in Tahoe. When I checked into Wonderland this morning I was so excited to get to the slopes that I didn’t take the time to explore this sprawling chalet. But after making a few runs on a difficult course, I feel invigorated and ready to enjoy some time here at the lodge, away from the family.

I walk up to the bar and chat with the bartender about ski conditions and the weather forecast, while he pours me a tonic water and throws in a twist of lime. I turn and see an inviting fireplace and a tall, majestic looking Christmas tree decorated all in red and gold. It’s mesmerizing and I decide to sit for awhile and just enjoy the warmth of the fire and the festive atmosphere.

It’s quiet here now, in the middle of the afternoon, but I know soon this place will be bustling with people coming in from the cold, looking for a place to gather and celebrate with friends and family. I settle into a large chair and decide I should check for messages from the family.

I get lost in thought for awhile, of past Christmases with friends and loved ones and in more recent years, the loneliness I felt, even surrounded by so many people. I think about my family, most of who are now at Grandmother’s, taking advantage of all this spectacular city has to offer. I will see them soon, I’m sure, but haven’t decided yet if I’m ready to head back to Oakdale in time for Christmas dinner at the farm.

My phone shows that there are a few text messages from Mother and Faith, and I decide to call in awhile. I just want to unwind for a bit, and I think the craziness that is my family can wait. I was actually a little surprised when no one gave me a hard time about opting to stay here at the resort, rather than at Grandmother’s. Maybe they are finally seeing me as a grown up, able to make my own decisions. Someone who can take care of myself and doesn’t need babysitting. I’ve worked hard to establish my independence and need to prove to them all that I’m okay. I have never felt better…physically, at least.

I scroll through my email and see a note form Noah. Thinking I should just delete it, my curiosity gets the best of me and I open the post.

Hey Luke,

Just thought I’d send a note to let you know I’m crazy busy. No offense but coming out here was the best decision ever. This town was made for me. Everyone says so. Anyway, hope you aren’t getting your hopes up about kissing me under the mistletoe on Christmas. No can do. Oakdale just isn’t on my radar this year.

I stop and snort at that. Noah has gone from denial to full fledged delusion. There is only one pair of lips I’d like on mine, under the mistletoe or anywhere else, and I’ve come to realization that that’s never going to happen. I had my chance with Reid and blew it. Somehow, everything got fucked up, and I’m not even completely sure how. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and continue reading.

I will be traveling, though. I got asked (I swear, they were begging me) to speak at some medical thing on the 23rd. They want me to talk about my blindness and how I got my sight back. Mostly I agreed because they said I could talk about my film project, and I figure with all those rich doctors attending, after hearing my story, there will be loads of interest in investing in my film.

Say hello to your folks. I know they’ll all miss me, but it'll all be worth it when I’m famous. Lol.

Merry Christmas Luke!


I hit delete and wonder to myself what I ever saw in that guy. From what I understand, Noah is very busy, just not at becoming a famous filmmaker. According to Casey, who was in LA a few months ago, Noah hasn’t found anyone interested in helping further his film, and is juggling three jobs...one as a bus boy at a greasy spoon in WeHo, the gay Mecca of southern California, one as an overnight custodian at a television studio, and one as a ticket taker at a local theatre. Casey says he runs from one job to the next just to pay his rent and has no time for much of anything else.

I wonder how he got the time off to travel to a medical convention, and why they’d even seek Noah out. As I look up, I’m thinking that it would make more sense if they had recruited…

“Dr. Oliver…” I hear the name on my lips as I peer into the steely blue eyes that are glaring back at me.

“Mr. Snyder,” he answers and I almost fall off my chair.

I feel the heat rising up my neck and onto my face as I try to maintain my composure. He looks...he looks, well, absolutely gorgeous, although not at all happy to see me. I shift in my chair. His eyes are boring a hole through my head. It’s like he’s looking right through me from his place on the sofa.

“What are you…I mean…I’m surprised to…” I stutter. “How are you?”  I have no idea what I’m saying. I don’t remember ever being this tongue-tied or nervous before.

He let’s out a little chuckle. “How do you think I am?” he replies between his teeth.

“I don’t…you look wonderful. You’ve grown out your hair. The curls are nice.” The curls are nice? What am I even saying? I want to crawl under the nearest table and disappear.

“I’ll sleep well tonight knowing that you approve of my looks,” he answers, drolly.

I have fantasized more times than I can count about our first meeting, hoping that someday I’d get to see Reid again. I had always thought we would talk and figure out exactly what happened, why we never connected the way we had planned. But I never saw it going like this. That Reid would be so angry…and cruel.

I can’t sit here while he calmly destroys me. “I guess I’m just surprised to see you, is all. This is probably the last place I ever figured I’d run into you. I didn’t know you skied.” And then quietly, almost under my breath I say, “I suppose there are a lot of things I don’t know about you…”

He throws his magazine down next to him. “Seriously? You seriously expect me to believe that you had no idea I’d be here? That this is just some freak coincidence? Your boyfriend didn’t give you the details of his trip here? Or wait. Don’t tell me. He doesn’t even know you’re here. You followed him here hoping he’d be oh so happy to see your pretty face. Kind of like you did two years ago when you followed him to Dallas. We all know how that worked out.”

I’m totally confused. “Reid, I really have no clue as to what you’re talking about.” I’m starting to get angry. “And I really don’t like your tone and accusations.”

He’s on a roll. “Oh please. You never change. It doesn’t matter that he left you and moved to another city, does it? You still think you can convince him that you two belong together. What, you haven't tried bribing him yet? Instead you're chasing him all over the country, just to get his attention? That’s pathetic, Mr. Snyder. Even for you.”

I think I’ve heard enough. I know I need to get away from him before I start saying things I’ll only regret. I feel the tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes. I stand up and walk over to the couch where he is sitting.

I look down at him and in an even voice I say, “Believe what you want, but I’m only going to say this once. I have no idea where Noah is or what his plans are. We were over a long time ago. I told you back then I was ending things with him and I did. But I sure as hell am not going to sit here and listen while you jump to conclusions and try to embarrass me all over again.” His eyes are narrowed and he sits back a little waiting for me to finish. “And for the record, I had no idea if I’d ever see you again, but I always hoped I would. I just never figured on you being such a jerk. Guess I was wrong. See you around, Reid.”

With that I turn and start walking. And I feel it. The death of all hope. Now that I’ve finally seen Reid, I know that he has no interest in me. He hates me.  My body feels heavy and I know I’m going to break down if I don’t move fast.



lure_atwt, yule 2013

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