2013 LuRe Yule Challenge - Wonderland Part Three/Six

Dec 20, 2013 13:47

Title: Wonderland
Author: Qjilla28
Pairing: Luke and Reid
Rating: PG to NC17
Word Count:17,108
Warnings: mention of Noah, some minor angst
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters or profit from them

Summary: What if Reid had followed his original plan to take Noah back to Dallas and  what if, although advised not to, Luke had followed anyway? What if, instead of being by Noah's side, Luke found himself inexplicably drawn to the last person on earth he'd ever imagine falling for? And what if that man found himself returning Luke's feelings? Would the two end up together, happily ever after? Or would life (and maybe a jealous ex boyfriend) get in the way of their plans? And what happens if they should, by some odd coincidence, find themselves thrown together again almost two years later, in a little place called...Wonderland?

A/N:  A heartfelt thank you to the talented michaela1969 for my beautiful banner. How lucky we are to have so many talented artists in this fandom!  And a special thank you to tldreamer for coordinating this challenge. Your hard work is greatly appreciated!

Wonderland - Part Three

March 2010 - Oakdale, Illinois

Luke Snyder: You know, I don't I get you. You go out of your way to get Noah the treatment he needs, housing, a job and then you pretend like you don't care what happens to him.

Dr. Reid Oliver: He’s just a big journal article waiting to happen.

Luke Snyder: Oh ho, that is bull. Ya know, I'm beginning to think your whole bedside manner is just an act.

Dr. Reid Oliver: Yeah, I'm really a warm, fuzzy guy. Look, if you come down to Dallas to visit him, just do me a favor. Make sure I don't run into you so I can stay focused on returning his sight.

Luke Snyder: What, you mean I'd get in your way?

Dr. Reid Oliver: I don't know, just being you seems to do it. I need to go in and see Noah.

Luke Snyder: See you in Dallas.

Dr. Reid Oliver: Hope not.

December 22, 2011 - Lake Tahoe, Nevada


When I got back to my room, I phoned my mother and begged off dinner at Grandmother’s tonight. I told her I would be by during the day tomorrow and was surprised that once again, she didn’t give me a hard time. She told me that the family was anxious to spend time with me, but wouldn’t pressure me. That if I needed some space, they’d respect that, but I shouldn’t push myself. I promised I’d take it easy and get plenty of rest.

I took a long shower and thought about seeing Reid and the way things had transpired. I’m convinced more then ever that I want to see where things can go with him and want to let him know how I feel. I know with Reid things are never easy, but I’m determined to try and break down his walls. To get him to talk.

I sit down at the desk in my suite once I’m satisfied that I look presentable for our dinner, and I open my laptop. As I start to research the restaurants in town, an idea pops into my head. I grab my phone and make the necessary arrangements and hope that Reid won’t think I’m being to presumptuous. It’s a risk, but I want as much time with him as possible. I can’t let him slip through my fingers again.

The suite I have here is spacious and updated. There is a large floor to ceiling window  which overlooks the lake. There is snow on the trees surrounding the water, and the sun is just starting to slowly set. It’s reflection gives a sparkling glow to the lake and it’s breathtakingly beautiful. A perfect backdrop for this time of year and the calm scenario I’m looking for.

My brief encounter with Reid this afternoon is bringing back everything that happened between us after he left Oakdale with Noah. It’s replaying in my mind like a movie. It was all too brief, but intense and I think that even then, I knew Reid and I wouldn’t actually happen. I’ve had enough time to rehash it and regret my complacency. If I can help it, it won’t happen again.

I remember feeling a little lost after Noah left Oakdale with Reid, but agreed to do things his way. Before he left he had told me that Reid wanted him to stay away from me. Reid called it “sound medicine”. But I found out soon afterward that Reid had not in any way directed Noah to stay away from me, but rather told Noah to keep me away from Reid. He said that I unnerved him. Initially, I just assumed that Reid hated me because I forced him to come to Oakdale in the first place, but I soon learned that it was not hate that made Reid uncomfortable with me, but rather attraction. He had an unusual way of showing his interest, but once I got to know Reid better, the attraction was hardly one-sided.

A few days after they left for Dallas I received a phone call from Noah. He said he’d been wrong and needed me. He told me he didn’t care what Dr. Oliver’s wishes were, that if he had any chance of getting his eyesight back, it would be with me by his side. Of course I was ecstatic and was packed and on the Grimaldi jet within hours. Noah wanted me after all, and that’s all that mattered. I would stay out of Reid’s way, but nothing was going to keep me from the man I loved. Boy did I ever get that one wrong!

It only took a few days for Noah to start getting frustrated with me and my eagerness to assist him with the most menial of tasks. It was one day, after I’d been with Noah for almost a week, that he lost it with me in a hospital exam room. He told me in no uncertain terms that I was hovering and it was a mistake to summons me to Dallas. He insisted that I find some better use of my time than always following him around and he’d see me sometime before his surgery…should I decide to hang around for that. He said he needed a break from me.

It was just after that conversation and the ultimate betrayal of my dedication to Noah, that Reid found me sulking in my coffee at the hospital cafeteria. He seemed genuinely surprised to see me there, and I was in no mood to put up with any more abuse. I knew he didn’t want me anywhere near him, and that was just fine with me. That was when I saw it for the first time. The shift. The walls that were firmly in place the entire time Reid was in Oakdale, seemed to melt away on his own turf.

Reid sat with me and we actually had a conversation. Well, as I think back with a smile, it was a typical Reid conversation, where he had some pop-culture nickname for everyone he had encountered in Oakdale and quite a few opinions about my totally dysfunctional relationship with Noah. I found myself relaxing and even laughing. It was refreshing being with someone who wasn’t judging and demeaning me, and it didn’t hurt that he looked drop dead gorgeous in his baby blue scrubs that set off his clear, piercing eyes. I found myself no longer being interested in defending Noah, and didn’t really even want to think about him.

At one point I voiced my confusion about what to do in regards to my current situation. I thought maybe I should just call it quits and head back to Oakdale. Reid got quiet and then in an awkward moment, asked me stay. He said that it might help for Noah to have someone around after the surgery, and it probably wouldn’t be completely terrible if I hung around. But I saw something in his expression. It felt like he was flirting somehow, and I realized almost immediately, that I welcomed it. And so it began.

I made fun of Reid, sarcastically berating him for not finding Noah a play group and he replied that it wasn’t in his job description. He made it clear that he had no interest in discussing his patient with me, and asked how much of his big city I’d actually seen. The flirting became overt at that point and we made plans to meet later for dinner.

Reid’s schedule for the next few days was light, and somehow he had become my personal tour guide of Dallas. He took me to mostly quirky restaurants, one where we actually took turns riding a mechanical bull, and I had pictures to prove it. But mostly he was unfamiliar with the famous landmarks and all the rich culture Dallas had to offer.

So in-between shifts at the hospital we explored together, and one evening as he was dropping me off at my hotel, he asked if he could come up for awhile. I enthusiastically agreed, not yet ready to call it a night. That’s when he kissed me. It was the best kiss of my life, and I feel myself getting hard just remembering it. I knew the moment his soft lips touched mine for the first time, that I had it bad for Reid Oliver.

Things got a little heavier, but never went beyond hours long make out sessions and some serious frotting. He was patient with me, as I hadn’t spoken to Noah about what was happening with Reid and me, and I didn’t want things to go too far until I was sure Noah’s surgery was a success. Reid seemed to understand, but the fact that I had not seen or spoken to Noah in days, was making it difficult to move on.

And then, the night before Noah’s surgery he called me. Reid and I had stopped at a book store, browsed there for awhile, and then had gotten dinner. We were sitting in a quiet corner of the restaurant, eating barbecue and talking about the future when the call came. I had been telling him about this state-of-the-art Neurological unit that Memorial hospital was considering building, and how they were pitching the idea to my foundation, looking for large contributors. Reid was open to talking to people in charge and said if the right deal was struck, he might even consider relocating to Oakdale…permanently.

We both agreed that we wanted to explore what we were feeling. Reid was nervous and unsure of what was happening to him, but clear on the fact that he was open to figuring it out. He had said that now that we had started what he affectionately referred to as “this thing” he was invested in seeing where it would lead. The ten days I spent in Dallas with Reid, prior to Noah’s surgery were the best of my life. I knew I was falling in love.

But when Noah phoned, he said that even though he hadn’t heard from me and he knew we weren’t together anymore, that he was sure I’d hang around town, just waiting for his call. He said that it was okay with him if I was there at the hospital during his surgery. I remember something to the affect of “I’ll let you come, just make sure Dr. Oliver doesn’t see you. I don’t want to give him any reason to change his mind about the surgery now, and seeing you might be enough to piss him off.”

I probably should have set things straight right then and there except I knew Reid was trying to maintain a professional relationship with his patient, and I felt sorry for Noah that he was going through all this. Oh and yes, his blindness was after all, in his opinion, my fault. So I was the dutiful boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend at that point, I guess, and I waited for Noah to recover from his surgery.

I left Dallas to escort Noah home, with the understanding that Reid and I had plans to finalize. Things continued to heat up between us and the night before Noah and I left, Reid and I made love. We spent the night in each other’s arms and I felt like I had finally found the person who I could spend the rest of my life with.

I sigh as I think back to our single night together and how I’ve longed to hold him every night since. I look at the clock and realize I must have been daydreaming for an hour. I decide it’s time to get ready for our dinner. I’m determined to fix things and can only hope that Reid stills feels something for me. That maybe, just maybe, he’s looking forward to seeing me, too.


June 2010 - Oakdale, Illinois

Dr. Oliver: You’re continuing to show signs of improvement. I’m going to increase the dose of your prescription. Use the drops I gave you in each eye four times daily. You have any questions?

Noah Mayer: Yeah. I was curious about when you started having feelings for my boyfriend?

Dr. Oliver: Second or third time I laid eyes on him.

Noah Mayer: How often have you done it?

Dr. Oliver: I’ve done lots of things with lots of people. You’re going to have to narrow that one down…

Noah Mayer: How many times have you hit on other patients boyfriends? Or girlfriends for that matter?  Maybe you don’t discriminate so long as they’re vulnerable and in need of your medical help.

Dr. Oliver: You can think what you want Noah.

Noah Mayer: Is that why you specialize in blind patients? Must make it easier when the injured party can’t see what’s going on right in front of their noses.

Dr. Oliver: If we’re going to continue our professional relationship, you need to drop this.

Noah Mayer: We’re not going to continue anything. No, I think I’ll be able to go another day without your expertise.

Dr. Oliver: Is that official? Are we no longer doctor and patient?

Noah Mayer: That’s official.

Dr. Oliver: Thank you. I’ve been looking forward to this day.

Noah Mayer: So you don’t have to face me and feel guilty?

Dr. Oliver: No so I can finally tell you how I wished I had been the blind one during this whole ordeal with you.

Noah Mayer: What?

Dr. Oliver: That way I wouldn’t have to watch you treat Luke like dirt.

Noah Mayer: You don’t know anything about Luke and me.

Dr. Oliver: Doesn’t matter that he blamed himself for what happened. Doesn’t matter that he bent over backwards trying to make it up to you. You still found ways to hurt him, to make him feel guilty and responsible. And in the end, you left him anyway.

Noah Mayer: And when I came back, you made sure it was too late. I mean actually telling us to stay apart during my treatments, I should have known something was up with you then.

Dr. Oliver: You can’t pin that on me. I was trying to help you.

Noah Mayer: Don’t you mean yourself?

Dr. Oliver: You have yourself to blame. You acted like a spoiled brat every time the guy tried to do something to help the one he loved

Noah Mayer: Are we done?

Dr. Oliver: Yeah, thanks to me you can now see the door. Use it.

December 22, 2011 - Lake Tahoe, Nevada


I step onto the elevator and and can’t help but notice the apprehensive expression on my face in the mirror that covers the back wall. I try to school my features. Once I’m satisfied that my mask is in place, I press the button for Luke’s floor. I’m headed up to Luke’s room and it all seems surreal. I had been relieved that he invited me to dinner. I’m not sure I would have pursued anything with him, even though seeing him is what I want.

The lecture I attended might have been informative…interesting even, if I had any idea of what it was even about. I had been preoccupied throughout the entire hour, thinking only about a certain gorgeous blonde and what I was going to say to him. What he was going to tell me.

I was so distracted during the seminar, thinking about Luke, that I hadn’t discovered it had ended and people around me were gathering in small groups, chatting about it and discussing holiday plans with each other. I had gotten up quickly, once I realized one of my contemporaries was addressing me, and excused myself in a hurry, stating I was late for another engagement.

I hurried to my room and showered, not having time to look at my email or check in with my hospital regarding the status of my existing patients. I didn’t want to be late for Luke.  It is important that he knows I’m making him a priority. I have to remind myself that Luke is different. He is sensitive, and although I think that the way he always puts other people’s feelings and needs ahead of his own is bullshit, I have to remember that even though I don’t often understand it, it’s one of the things I admire about him. So I will work hard to be open and honest with him. Tell him what he meant to me…what I think he still means to me, even though we’ve been apart for so long.

The elevator dings and I get off. As I approach his room, I see the door fly open. Three hotel employees, two men and a woman, are exiting his room.

“If that will all, Mr. Snyder,” says the woman. “We hope everything is to your liking.”

I hear Luke. “Thank you, Evelyn. Everything looks and smells fantastic. Please give my regards to Pierre."

I nod as the three pass me, their room service carts empty. I peak my head in the still open hotel room door.

"Knock knock," I say. I see Luke lighting some of the many candles that surround the spacious suite of rooms he's occupying. He turns his head and our eyes meet. I stare at him and I stop short of a gasp. He looks almost otherworldly, with the glow of the candles reflecting off his hair. His megawatt smile lights up his face. He is, without a doubt, the most beautiful man I've ever known.

"Hey!" He replies, breaking the spell. "You're right on time. Please, come in."

I survey my surroundings and see that Luke has gone to great lengths in setting the atmosphere. There are poinsettias in red and white scattered about the rooms and long, thin tapers in gold candlesticks throughout. There is a table set with an incredible amount of covered platters and a drink cart filled with beer and sparkling water.

"Expecting someone important?" I say with a smirk.

He comes closer. "As a matter of fact, I am. Someone very important."

“Well, you'll let me know when he arrives. I'll be in the corner enjoying whatever it is that smells so good on that table. Have I ever told you that I love how you take advantage of your trust fund?” I smile and start to work my way over to the decorated table.

Luke laughs out loud, but puts his hand up to halt my progress. “Not so fast. First, can I offer you a drink?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” I reply, thinking that might be just the thing to help calm my nerves. “How about a beer?”

“One beer coming up.” He walks over to the cart and pulls out a bottle of expensive German lager. He points to a glass and I shake my head no, as he hands me the bottle.

He grabs a bottle of water for himself and gestures over to the sofa. He sits down and pats the spot next to him. I knit my brow.

“What about all that food?” I ask, hesitantly taking a seat.

“The food can wait. I just want to make sure that it’s okay with you that we aren’t going out. I mean, I don’t want to be too presumptuous, but I thought it would be nice if we could have dinner here. It’s more…” He stops and looks at me cautiously.

“Private?” I finish, raising my eyebrows.

He sighs and looks down. “I thought we could talk. There’s so much I need to tell you, Reid.”

“And we can’t do that after we eat?” I want to enjoy this time with Luke, but I know that clearing the air is inevitable.

He looks up at me and smiles. I feel my heart starting to pound. I don’t know how he does that to me.

“Sure,” he says. “I’m just so glad I ran into you and you agreed to have dinner.”

“I had to eat.” I roll my eyes, but return his smile.

He stands and holds out his hand. I take it, reluctantly, and he leads me over to the table. I sit and put my napkin in my lap as he lights the two candles that rest on the table, in the middle of the platters.

He sits and starts uncovering some dishes, showing me all that he ordered. There is enough food for a family of seven and I begin to load up my plate. He watches with an amused expression on his face.

“What?” My mouth is full, but I’m getting uncomfortable with the way he is just gazing at me.

He shakes his head. “Nothing…it’s just…I mean…” I can see him starting to blush and don’t understand the sudden shyness.

I put down my fork. “Luke, what is it? Is there a problem? Did we forget to say grace or something?”

He snorts at that. “There’s no problem. I’m just…well, can I be honest with you? I want to tell you something without you freaking out.”

“I thought this was going to wait,” I say, picking up my fork and resuming my dinner. This food is all gourmet, prepared to perfection, and everything I’m tasting is melting in my mouth. It’s all I can do to stop myself from moaning with pleasure.

“I know, but I have to tell you this. I have to tell you that I never stopped thinking about you. Not for one day. Not since the day I got home from Dallas. And Reid, now that I’m with you, I want…I want…”

I don’t know what to say. How to deal with this candor. My voice is low. “What do you want, Luke?”

He leans his hand across the table and takes mine, threading our fingers together. “You. I want you. I don’t care where or how, I just know that I want another chance. We never got our chance.”

I slowly pull my hand away. I feel like I’m losing control. I’m not sure how to answer. “Eat your dinner. You need to keep your strength up,” is all I say. I lift up my fork and proceed to attack the food on my plate.

He slowly fills his plate, looking everywhere but at me. I lift up the platter containing sliced tenderloin and dish some onto his plate. “Try the beef,” I say, chewing. “It’s to die for.”

We eat in relative silence for awhile and I see Luke is mostly playing with his food. I don’t know where to begin or what to say. I’ve never felt this way about another man, and as mush as I want to get it right, I never fail to say the wrong thing. So I say nothing.

But Luke looks like he’s going to burst if he doesn’t say something. I catch his eye and hold it. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I don’t know what I was thinking. It’s just seeing you again…shit!”

He stands up and starts to walk away from the table. I throw down my silverware and jump up, grabbing him by the shoulders. I turn him around so his face is inches from mine.

“Luke,” I know I’ve got to fix this. “Never apologize for the way you feel. Or for being who you are.”

“Yeah, but I just scare you off every time. I know we want different things. But seeing you. I just get so…”

“You have no idea what I want. And you are wrong. You didn’t scare me off. I allowed myself to believe things that weren’t true. And didn’t stick around to find out what was really going on. It’s my fault if…”

“No! It’s not your fault!” He takes my face in his hand and gently caresses my cheek, mimicking my actions of earlier today. “Reid, I don’t blame you. I’m the one who screwed things up. I’m the one who got sick.”

He drops his hand and turns back toward the table, as if anxious suddenly to resume our meal.

“Oh no you don’t.” I reach out and grab his wrist, pulling him into the sitting room and down on the couch. I take my seat next to him.

“Really. You don’t have to say anything. I was supposed to end things with Noah. I was supposed to get the ball rolling on the Neurology Wing. I was supposed to come back for you.” The look of total despair on Luke's face is making me anxious.

My voice is low. "So what you're saying is that you didn't do any of those things? You just went home and forgot about everything that happened in Dallas? Because I know that's not true. I know you got sick. And I know that's what changed everything."


lure_atwt, yule 2013

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