Jan 27, 2012 12:54
Чт, 15:34 : The kids outside actually sound like the infected. I swear. No wonder I wake up at 8 every morning... Чт, 21:47 : "He can only have sex if he's dressed as a dinosaur." I'm fairly certain this was on before #Sherlock but #AAANDERSOOOON . Чт, 21:49 : RT @ godofbadassery : It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Then, it's live entertainment. Пт, 00:07 : If I ever draw Brant Daugherty again I'm using a picture from NOH8... #ThoseLipsAreSoHard http://t.co/rEcsGts9 Пт, 00:22 : >.< I think i'll be happy when X gets violent. I can't write romance. Ever. Well once. Ish. Ugh. Пт, 00:25 : http://t.co/rJZeRguI D'AAAW. CUTIE ROBOT. Пт, 00:54 : I appreciate and love the music. But he definitely just said jalapeno. Пт, 03:40 : Overheard: so much bored - A. Why my last relationship ended. B. Favourite band. C. Who I like and why I... http://t.co/ej2Uekx0 Пт, 04:43 : RT @ thearrowavenger : I just witnessed Steve dancing to Miley Cyrus in his underwear. #brainbleach #eyebleach #givemanythingyougot Пт, 04:43 : RT @ thearrowavenger : I had a dream that a giant Loki was roaming the streets killing anyone who wouldn't make him sugar cookies. #hespec ...