Jan 27, 2012 00:13
- Чт, 00:27: I. Can't. Breathe. "-Claps loudly for Julian- I am so proud." WAY TO RUIN A SWEET MOMENT TOMMY. #SoFUNNY. #ILoveMyRP
- Чт, 00:28: I thinkl everyone is laughing too. #NoNewPostsYet
- Чт, 00:29: Even Bullseye and Daken have stopped fighting... XD #ILoveMyRP
- Чт, 00:40: Oh. The awkward conversation about the marks she left on Julian's back was easier than this... #ImNotSureAboutMyRPNow #HowDoYouWriteKisses?
- Чт, 03:10: Me: JUBIIIILEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Laura: Hello. #WhydIPickAQuietCharacter?
- Чт, 03:42: I've been stuck on this reply for hours. #CantFuckingWriteKisses >.<
- Чт, 03:48: I can't even think of a way to move on and avoid the kiss altogether... x.x
- Чт, 04:09: I /think/ i've got it... >//<
- Чт, 04:21: Ah not gots it. x.x
- Чт, 04:58: MWAH HA HA. GOT IT DONE. I'll just go pass out on my bed now...