Title: Language Barrier
Pairing: Poppy (K-OTIC)/Hyunmin (Xing)
Genre: drabble
Word Count: 355
Rating: R
Warnings: sexual situations, drinking
Summary: Poppy gets a surprise visitor.
Notes: For
jaybomb because she understands. ♥
Some messages are universal. )
Comments 4
"OH FUCK THE GLASSES" was the most coherent thought I can remember.
and just. ugh omg. the fact that this is a cross-over that is actually sort of logical and dear god it's interesting to imagine.
believing for some reason that maybe Hyunmin's never kissed before
yk, even though he looks like that, i can believe this too.
And y'know, I'd believe it, too. I don't know why but I'd buy he's never been kissed. o:
That was. Um. I don't really know Hyunmin because I don't really know Xing (too many generations, I can't keep them straight), but it didn't matter; your writing felt so real it was almost tangible. I loved it.
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