Sep 18, 2005 19:36
So, nearly done with the first draft of my common app essay (which is going to be my generic "personal statement" essay for all colleges I'm applying to, regardless of them using the common app or not). You know what I hate answering? Which extracurric is the most meaningful for you and why, questions. GAH! And I really don't want to get into the "why do you want to come to _____", its not like I can draw out "I really like the vibe here, can't explain it, sorry" for one page. Well, knowing me, I can...just badly.
I've been updating my DA account like mad (some of them are really pretty neat, in my opinion). Of course, the photograph people seem to like the most definitely isn't my favorite. Along this line of chat, I have a new icon! Yay for me! This does remind me, however, that I really should get started on portraits (spontaneous first, then planned).
At the moment I should be reviewing french stuff (or finding my summary of La Goire de mon Pere which I've lost...somewhere), starting my chemistry lab and worksheets, and making lots and lots of headway on my NM application! Are any of those things being done? Nooot really.
Delani, in a word, is awesome.
I swear there was a side note lying around here somewhere...guess not! (Still no headway on the syllabus thing, we shall see though mother, we shall see!)