Hey you! Join the navy!

Sep 15, 2005 09:46

I'm starting to feel guilty about all the projects I have lying around and have yet to touch. Very guilty indeed.

So! Starting this evening I shall, a. renew my library books and actually begin reading up on Chile b. track down more primary source documents on economics concerning Chile c. begin developement on my ToK project idea d. begin researching global warming (largely from a media perspective) for my oratory and radio.

*sighs* Someone should probably take away all my computer games and wipe my saved files so I can't play them anymore...such distractions I tell you!

On a side note, I'm having extreme difficulty convincing my mother that doing level 10 of syllabus will kill me, and that I hate it with a burning passion that will not die. Of course, her stance is that since she has invested so much financially in it, that piano is a priority (and I DO want to stick with piano, just not some stupid test). I dont think she realizes that this sort of theory IS college level, and it essentially gives me 7 college level courses...I can't handle that, not with everything else I'm doing.


In the last 1.5 hours I have managed to write my research question, find some very common primary source docs on the coup, and renewed my library books. Still missing? A congressional report on the activities of Kennecott, ATT, and some other companies that were all involved in the coup and in general international business "bad guy" stuff, as well as more primary source docs on the economic part of the coup. I did, however, find a fantastic new song/artist. http://centripetalnotion.com/2005/09/10/01:10:52/ (download the song, you wont regret it)

piano, mom, chile, projects

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