Jun 06, 2005 21:17
a lot of the belwo it true. I seem to never seduce the guy that i am after but someone else totally random. Go figure. Ten things made me happy today:
!I am eating Pad Thai as we speak.
@My cell phone rang twice today. (I like my ringtone)
#Thelma and Louise rocked my socks. (not to mention my pants...brad pitt?)
$I had english muffins with jam for breakfast
%My car was at constant access for "need to leave school right awayness."
^I wore my pink lace bra today.
&My doggie ate half of my popsicle(he ate it in a really strange way that produced me to laugh my pants off)
*it was windy and i wasnt wearing a skirt
(When my drama teacher was getting really intense the baby strapped to his front kept of looking up at him and sticking out his tongue and giggling/shrieking.
!)Its the last Monday of the school Year!!!!!