8 days until the premiere. 8 FREAKIN’ DAYS PEOPLE!!! Okay. Deep breath I’m alright. But can you just hear the sound of a stale muffin getting its ass kicked? Well okay admittedly the ass kicking probably won’t happen in the first episode but it will happen. I mean it has to. Right? Anyway in the meantime I’ve got theory it could be bunnies. Because bunnies aren’t cute like everybody supposes and neither is Pete. Wait. Did anybody ever think Pete was cute? Perhaps, yes, his mother, in the hospital a few days after he was born and before his horns grew in. Granted.
But, seriously this week’s speculation is brought to you courtesy of
liz_estrada. Last week I bemoaned the fact that spoilers were harder to find than Stephen Baldwin’s talent. But in fact we do have a spoiler, albeit a cryptic one. And if such is your wish, you can read about it under the cut. If not, skip ahead to this week’s trivia question.
When I asked about her upcoming episode in the season 2 wrap up interview, this is what Liz said:
It's kind of a head trip, psychological torture scenario. Like an episode of “The Prisoner” - but with Boxer instead of Patrick McGoohan's #6.
Not being really familiar with the show I had to do a little investigating. I remembered my parents talking about it when I was younger and it they had been fans. So I called my mother. The phone conversation went something like this:
Me: Hi Mom. Do you remember the show ‘The Prisoner’?
Mom : Oh yes of course. We watched that every week religiously.
Me: Great so what was it about?
Mom: Um oh well I don’t really remember.
Me: You don’t remember anything about a show you watched religiously?
Mom: Well it was a long time ago.
Me: I assume he was being held prisoner somewhere and apparently whoever had him called him number 6
Mom: Yes that’s right. Wait. Are you sure 6?
Me: That’s what I read.
Mom now calling my dad: Denis!! Do you remember in the Prisoner the number of the guy?
Dad in the background: Number 6
Mom: That’s it number 6.
Me: So you don’t remember anything else? [pause] Okay thanks I guess I’ll check the Net…bye..
Mom : I think he was on an Island.
Me: Number 6?
Mom: Yes.
Me: Ah okay. Someone or organization was holding him prisoner on an island.
Mom: Yeah and every week he tried to escape.
Me: Every week?
Mom: yeah well almost other things happen too.
Me: Well I should hope so.
Mom: But he wasn’t on an Island
Me: He wasn’t?
Mom: He just thought he was because of the water and when he tried to escape a big ball came out of the water and got bigger and bigger until he had to turn around.
Me: A big ball?
Dad in the background in French: Je ne suis pas un numéro, Je suis un homme libre! (Which translates to: I am not a number. I am a free man! I don’t know if that’s the original quote apparently in the dubbed version it was)
Me: What is that?
Mom: That’s something Number 6 used to yell.
Me: Ah, every week when he went against the big ball.
Mom: Ha, ha, ha. Yes, probably. But when the show ended we were very disappointed.
Me: Why?
Mom: Because like I said he wasn’t on an island when he finally escaped he found himself on a highway in the middle of a town.
Me: Well at least he escaped.
Mom: Sure but I don’t remember if we ever found out where he actually was.
Me: Oh well yeah that does suck.
Mom: It ended with a Beatles song. Oh what was it…
Here I will spare you the 5-minute debate between parents over which Beatles song it was and the accompanying signing that went with each title they came up with. Of course by the time my mother returned to the phone I had found it via IMDB.
Mom: We can’t remember.
Me: It’s okay I found it. It was All you Need is Love.
Mom: Right that’s it.
Me: It’s okay mom, you don’t have to sing it. I have to go now. Thanks.
Mom: Okay then, bye bye!
Me: Bye.
So that was a big help. Next I went to
Wikipedia and from what I learned there, I can only assume that sometime during Season 3, Lindsay will be held captive in a seaside village or an abandon warehouse near Fisherman’s Wharf where she will endure torture until she reveals the reason why she quit her job as a British secret agent. She will finally escape and realize that she was being kept prisoner at Papa Joe’s all along. But not before having fought the Evil Giant Beach Ball.
And I have yet to figure out the deal with Billy Harris. Who is he? Was he someone I arrested once? Does he go to my coffee shop? Is he my mailman? Luckily I still have 8 days to try to come up with something. OMG 8 DAYS!! :)
Prediction, seriously for real this time, whatever hellish nightmare the club goes through during the next season it’s going to be nail biting and fascinating. And once all is said and done, there is going to be some hot, hot, hot, Inspector on Red action. Or you know, Red on Inspector ;)
This week’s trivia question:
What was Joe “Big Guns” Donavan’s number? Clue: It wasn’t 6 ;)