WMC - VS 3.0 - Speculations - Theory #1

Jun 29, 2009 13:47

17 days until July 17th.  17 days until we find out if 58.3% of the VS fans who answered the poll were right, and Lindsay took Cindy to a private resort or if the 45.8% who think Pete is a copy cat made the right call.

I’ve been thinking I personally made the wrong one. Originally, I was convinced (or rather I convinced myself) he was a copy cat. Not so sure anymore. I guess it is now time for crazy-ass theories and speculations. No spoilers. I think it would be easier to get recently de-crowned Miss California to sing at my wedding than it is to get spoilers.   Though Lord knows I’ve tried, but all I get is “you’ll see” and “no comment” which some people take waaaay too much pleasure in saying ;)

I’m putting everything under a cut in case I hit something shooting in the dark. So if someone happens by here and wants to remain blissfully unaware, they can. They can also skip ahead to the WMC trivia question. I thought I’d be fun if I posted a new one with each theory until the season starts.

As I said I was originally certain Pete was a copy-cat. He always had a creepy vibe to him. And I swear it’s not because I’m looking at him through L/C colored glasses or at least not just because of that. In Father’s Day, the way he said “you’re very pretty Lindsay Boxer” okay, first of all, who says that? And second of all, he sounds so condescending when he says it. And through the entire episode, whenever he talks to her, he sounds…I don’t know, entitled? When he asks Lindsay who the flowers are for, I just want to smack that Vincent the Beast smile off his face and tell him to go back to the sewer.  So yeah creepiness all around.

And then in season 2, he dials up the crazy with the stalking and the ubiquitous white roses and his peeping ways. He becomes obsessed with Lindsay and when she dumps him, he cranks it up to eleven. He remembers when she took him up to her addict, and how she was obsessed with Kiss Me Not and how not being able to stop him affected her, and how it destroyed her marriage.

After losing her, he turns Lindsay’s apartment into the Big Brother house, and he’s reacquainted with the attic and then, light bulb moment, he is inspired.  He figures one way to weaken her and drive a wedge between her and her new lover is to bring back Lindsay’s biggest demon; KMN.  He kills the Halleluiah Man and leaves KMN’s calling card. Well anyway that’s what I thought.

But, and here is where that theory loses some momentum, KMN victims were all women. If Pete wanted Lindsay and the club to believe KMN was still around, wouldn’t he have chosen a female victim? By choosing to murder the Halleluiah Man he all but guarantees they will assume a copy cat killer. Which would suck for Lindsay, yes, but not as much as if the real one was back. Unless… he chose a male victim because he thought, “What the hell I’m KMN I can switch my pattern if I want to.”

So yes, now, I’m thinking Pete is the real KMN. The kind of entitlement he exhibits in those post-strike episodes comes after watching and keeping tabs on someone for a long time. From what I know about serial killers, which mostly comes from reading mysteries and watching Ashley Judd movies, they love to zero in on one particular cop or FBI agent, and play cat and mouse with them.  Pete has been playing with Lindsay Boxer for over 5 years and he has waited for the perfect moment to approach her.

The first move was sending the FBI that article, and then once Tom was married he figured Lindsay would be open so he made his second move. Seeing the attic boosted his ego. Maybe at this point he started wanting credit. He installed the cameras because he wanted even more access to Lindsay. He also bugged Cindy’s desk at the Register and that’s how he got to HM before the cops did. His third move; killing HM leaving his distinctive signature thus sending a very clear message.  I think he is about to reveal himself and that, in season 3, we will see him up the ante.

Plus it seems to me that the way he displays HM’s body would require some experience. I’m no expert, but it doesn’t appear like a first kill.

I know that this theory still has some holes. Like Billy Harris.  What’s his deal?  And why would Pete make up that whole I-m-going-to-Cambodia-for-year story?  Did he kill Carter? And why not sew his mouth shut? ‘Cause he wasn’t ready to make his presence known?

I’m going to need more time to think about those questions. Stay tuned for more of my over the top, off-base, completely accurate theories?  I’ll be speculating right up till the season premiere.  That’s why those VS peeps are so good. Just when we think we’ve figured it out …well we haven’t.

WMC Trivia Question

I’m going to start with an easy one and try to make them increasingly harder as we approach the season premiere.

What on-line dating service does Emily Sherman use?             

vs 3.0, wmc

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