This place is draining me.

Nov 19, 2004 15:31

I am almost out of Alchaunish type energy. I get snappy way too easy, I overeact to accusations, and I am not happy. I am as happy as I can be with the whole wife, friends, and family being in my life, but right now none of thaT IS AROUND ME SO i CAN'T BE HELPED TOO MUCH BY THEM(YOU GUYS). Wow. That is what happens when you can't look at the screen and type at the same time and then you accidentally hit the caps lock button. Isn't it funny. I have even lost my appetite. I used to be able to eat and eat and well you get the point, but now I can barely finish 4 or 5 slices of pizza without feeling stuffed. I need to come home. I need to bask once again in everyone's warming light. Or just a ball of cynicism, jokes, teasing, low blows, and overall fun times.

I mainly need to be with Gina again. No offense to anyone of you guys, but she is all I would need right now. Don't get me wrong you guys are great, but Gina is Gina. She makes me feel like I have some kind of purpose. I can spend my life trying to make her happy all the time, and providing for her whatever she wants, and to me it would be a life very well spent. I always feel so bad when she gets upset. I am not there to try and comfort her, and make her feel special. I know how special she is. She is smart and funny and talented, not to mention absolutly gorgeous. She is tolerant, sexy, caring, sexy, loving, sexy, and so on and so forth. Every time she feels sad, sick, angry, depressed, I would do anything to make her happy again. ANd it is hard for me to do all the way over here. When I text her things, there is no emotion in the words, no inflection in my voice. Just letters that are transmitted as cold 0 and 1's. I hate that. when you want to talk to someone so that they can hear the little changes in your voice, but you can't cause it is too loud where they are, or you don't want to wake your roomates. It really stinks. I just want to be able to go back to my wife and spend time with her like we did before. I want to slepp in a bed that both of us can fit in and be happy knowing that I can steal the blanket and no get smacked(too hard) for doing it. I miss being a married couple. I miss living with the woman that I love more than life itself. This place sucks.

All that I am waiting for is for someone to call me and say that I will be going home. That is it. But it doesn't seem to be happening. I shouldn't have been here this long after signing my medical board findings, but I am. Why me? I'm sure other people have waited longer and I am not trying to say that I am being treated inhumanely or anything like that, but I still think that this is rediculous. Well this is long enough as it is so I will go now. I really do miss you all and I can't wait to come back so that I can be just as annoying as I once was. I love you guys. Bye Bye.
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