Jun 24, 2007 23:16
I don't think that I will ever get sick of curry. And East African curry is amazing.
Yes, I've managed to get on the intrnet twice in one day! The place that we're staying has free internet, and most poeple have gone to be now, so the 15 minute rule is not in effect. I've heard that internet is suppose to be painfully slow on this continent, but this place seems to be okay. On par with dial-up for sure.
I guess I should give you a little more detail on Nairobi. Even though we were only there for 12 hours, it was a pretty happenin' place, so there's lots to share. We were planning on staying at a campground called Upper Hill, and someone from there came to pick us up from the hotel. We got stuck in morning rush-hour traffic for 1/2hr, which was incredible - people have no respect for traffic lights (the few that there actually are here), street lanes (they exist, but no one cares), or pedestrians, who jump out at you everywhere. Amazingly enough, the only people that I witnessed getting hit was us:( It wasn't a bad accident, but the tailight of the van will never be the same...
Upper Hill was very nice - we would have had cabins with nice beds... too bad we couldn't stay that night.
I'd been told that Nairobi is one of the least safe cities we would be going to, so we were very cautios downtown. However, everyone was really friendly and helpful, and we didn't notice anything too sketchy. Honestly, in the 5 minutes we were in downtown Kampala, I got harassed more that the 5 hours in Nairobi.
Crap, someone else wants to use the computer....
Short version: we hopped on a night bus, my luggage is covered in road mud, and the showers here are HOT!!!
PS - update more so that I can feel in touch!!!!