A short summary of the series: A student, Wataru, who likes a toy known as 'moffle' ends up with a plush toy that look like a weirdo guy, but is acknowledged by one of his own Moffle toy called Mu-mu-tan that it is actually a plush toy despite it's appearance of a naked man. Somehow it followed him home...XD because he forgotten his student handbook.
There's nothing children can't see as the important bits are always covered by something convenient or nearby.
This series is absolutely bonkers, but an enjoyable read. I keep wondering if those who hate yaoi/shonen ai will avoid this series, even though it is obvious that was only played for laughs. It is NOT a yaoi/shonen-ai series. At most it implies it as a running joke.
All links within this document leads to jisho as I used it for learning new kanji.
Ch. 3
When is the human mof-Tarou san going to wear proper clothes?
Chapter 4: An apology for St. Nicholas
営み (itonami): life;work (pg90 in the mag)
盛ん (sakan): Prosperous, popular,...
時期 (jiki): period, time, season... (contextual translation is season, I guess)
畜生 (chikushou): damn it (according to context on p91), beast, brute.
舐める (nameru) to put down, to taste, to experience.
滅相 (metsu sou) absurd, extravagant (contextually, "Presents are extravagant, p91"
一介 (itsu kai) merely, only a... (p92)
右腕(みぎうで):Right arm
欲(ほ)しかった :Wanted to/Wished
普段 (ふだ) Usual
柄 (がら) Pattern/design
一切 (いつさい) Everything、All.
平行(へいこう)して At the same time、Parallel
早速(さっそく) -Faster
技術 (ぎじゅつ)- Technique
酸素(さんそ) - oxygen
きっしょく悪 : To receive a blow
格納済み (kakunou zumi): Strorage settled(as in, they settled where to stow the thing) (pg101 in the magazine)