New year, first post

Jan 12, 2010 21:32

Blimey! How many days have passed from my last update? Too much, it would seem. So, first thing first: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know it comes really late, but these have been hectic days and all I could do on LJ was to comment. First Internet connection was down for two days, then, after New Year's Eve I got the mother of all colds (don't ask)and in the end my home was almost flooded during a storm. Really, sometimes RL is shit. :(

2009 has passed and with 2010 came the end of the 10th Doctor. I loved The End Of Time pt.2, even if it had plot holes bigger than I don't know what. The acting was brilliant, the slash even better than the first episode and I cried and bawled like a baby for the last 20 minutes. I know people say that those minutes were unneeded, but I liked how all the companions' stories were closed. About Matt Smith: well, I'll judge him after having seen at least one full episode with Eleven. Those 2 minutes are promising, let's hope for the best.

On a more slashier note: I love RTD's Gay Agenda. I really do, even if I hate the man most of the time. After the Wonderful Gem (aka "The Master is tantalizingly close to being his soul mate"), we had two episodes that were a slasher's heaven, with remembrance of frolicking in the red grass, cross-dressing, bondage, "you could be beautiful" scenes, Simm's tears and angsty Ten. Really, what more you could ask?
You could ask for the former show-runner to say something like this:"Because he loves him. Honestly, I think he does." when answering to the question:"Why doesn't the Master kill the Doctor?"
You don't believe me? Go read the interview in the new DWM because, people, it's true!

And I want to close this post on a shallow note. So I'll give you two pictures, one of present!David in Rex Is Not Your Lawyer (which I dearly hope will get picked by NBC) and one of past!David on the Christmas Invasion set. Thanks to chloris67 for both those pictures!

First pic: David in Rex Is Not Your Lawyer. I've no words to describe it.. *stares*

Second pic: David on the Christmas Invasion set. Shopped or not, this pic is too good to go unnoticed.

Ah, I forgot to thank those of you who have sent me a Christmas card, they were lovely! I hope mine have arrived too. &hearts

doctor/master= canon, my doctor is dt, pictures, mr. master simm, doctor who, end of time

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