Snow & Shadow by oasis6028 [Recced by Ayesakara]

Nov 30, 2009 20:11

And rec # 2:

Title: Snow & Shadow
Written by: oasis6028
Timeframe: Post season 5
Word count: 4 chapters
Rating: R
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Fic:
Because... when are cute Gus and Brian and Justin bonding moments in fic enough to digest? NEVER. A lovely multi-chaptered fic that involves a winter vacation, lots of snow, and kittens. What's not to like? Gus has his dad wrapped around his little finger too. And there's lovely Brian/Justin moments to enjoy too. Go read!

Read the Fic here:
Snow & Shadow by oasis6028

oasis6028, fic, recs: ayesakara, seasons 3-4

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