Lost in Space by kitkatbyte [Recced by Ayesakara]

Nov 30, 2009 20:08

I know, I know... I've been MIA for the last couple of weeks, so apologies for that. Work's been really hectic lately; plus this was the Eid-ul-Azha long weekend. I finally go back to work tomorrow after 4 blissful days off. So not looking forward to that. Oh well. Anyways, I thought I'd treat you guys to two recs tonight; one of them a vid -- as it's been a while since I last recced one. So here goes, rec # 1:

Video: Lost in Space // The Lighthouse Family
Vidded by: kitkatbyte
Timeframe: Seasons 3-4
Time count: 3:46
Rating: R
Warnings: Nothing
Why I Recommend This Vid:
Because I'm always in the mood for a feel-good vid rec, and when you're looking for well-done feel-good vids, you can't go wrong with kitkatbyte. On the show they tried to make us think that Justin had to run after Brian year after year, didn't they? Oh, that at least was the impression they tried to create in the beginning. But the truth was: Justin is and always has been the little blond satellite Brian circles around. Yes, he really is. :D Extremely schmoopy and loving and adorable stuff. This vid makes you wanna hug them both and squeeze 'em real tight. Only Wendy can make me react that way with a vid. Check it out and enjoy!

Download the vid here:
Lost in Space by kitkatbyte

recs: ayesakara, kitkatbyte, vid, seasons 3-4

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